Creating a request to count
You can create a request to count by selecting
.In addition to automatically generating cycle counts for items in the warehouse, the application lets you manually generate cycle count tasks for specific owners and items. A Request to Count is a user-requested cycle count task that can be released to the Task Manager/RF-directed task queue. Just as application-generated cycle counts can be released, the option allows you to focus on items that require special attention.
Item and location combinations are added to the Request to Count table if a pick is shorted during RF picking process. If multiple short picks are entered against the same owner/item/location/lot combination, the Request to Count is not duplicated. This type of Request to Count functions the same as a user entering a specific owner/item/ location/lot combination in the Request to Count screen.
Releasing a Request to Count releases cycle count tasks generated in the following circumstances:
- On the Request to Count screen
- When you use a Task Manager Reason Code and
the Do Cycle Count field on the
Task Manager Reason screen is set to
For example, an associate performing an RF-directed pick short picks the task and enters a SHORT reason code. On the Task Manager Reason screen, if the reason is SHORT and the Do Cycle Count field is set to Yes, the application generates a Task Manager cycle count task.
See the Infor WMS Configuration User Guide for more information on reason codes.