Performing an adjustment

To perform an adjustment:

  1. Select Execution > Pallet Exchange > Adjustments. The Pallet Exchange Adjustment screen is displayed in List view.
  2. Click New. The Pallet Exchange header and Pallet Exchange Adjustment detail screen open in Form view.
    Note:  The system creates an adjustment number, which displays in theAdjustment Number field. You can change this number to a non-sequential value, for example, by adding a letter or name. If the number is changed to a sequential number that has not yet been used by the application, it could later cause duplication errors, resulting in application termination.
  3. Specify this information for the required header fields:
    Adjustment Number
    The system assigned number for this adjustment.
    Responsible Party
    Specify the party responsible (owner) for the reusable container to be adjusted.
    Carrier Code
    Specify the carrier code for reusable container is being shipped with a shipment order.
    Specify the consignee (ship to customer) of this reusable container.

    The following fields are optional.

    Notes pertaining to this adjustment.
    Entered Date
    Specify the entered date for this adjustment. Default is the current system date.
    Actual Date
    Specify the entered date for this adjustment. Default is the current system date.
  4. Specify this information for the required detail fields:
    Line Number
    Enter the order line number containing the reusable container(s) for this adjustment.
    Qty In
    Specify the adjusted received quantity of the reusable container. This is a positive or negative number to reflect the amount of change.
    Qty Out
    Specify the adjusted shipment quantity of the reusable container. This is a positive or negative number to reflect the amount of change.
    Specify the reusable container type from the drop-down list.
    Condition In
    Specify the adjusted condition of the reusable container received into the selected facility.
    Condition Out
    Specify the adjusted condition of the reusable container shipped out of the selected facility.
    Specify the reason for adjustment from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Save.