Putting inventory on hold for workstation receipts

Product being received can be put on hold from the workstation by updating the receipt detail line prior to confirming the receipt on the workstation.

To update a receipt record to allow product to be placed on hold during receipt:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed.
  2. To display a list, use the Search feature.
  3. Click the Detail icon next to the ASN/Receipt record you want to view. The ASN/Receipt detail is displayed. Line item information displays at the bottom of the screen.
  4. From the drop-down menu in the Hold Code column, select a valid Reason code.
    Note: This hold code can only be updated for detail lines that have a quantity received equal to zero. Once the line has been received, a hold cannot be applied.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Receive inventory through one of the following methods on the workstation:
    • Update the Quantity Received on the detail record. Click Save.
    • To receive all expected quantities for the current ASN/Receipt, click Actions > Receive All.

      The hold applied during the receipt is for a specific license plate received.

    To remove the hold status, you must use the workstation. Refer to the Placing Inventory on Hold or Releasing a Hold sections for more information.