Performing pallet exchanges from RF

Use to capture container exchange information for a trading partner.

You can exchange:

  • Receipts
  • Adjustments
  • Shipment orders

To perform a pallet exchange from RF:

  1. Display the Main Menu.
  2. From the RF device Main menu (M1), select More > Pallet Exch.
  3. Select an exchange type:
    • Receiving
    • Shipping
    • Adjustment
  4. Specify this information:
    Tran Type
    This is the exchange type.
    Document #
    Specify a unique number for the pallet exchange.
    • If Tran Type is Receipt, this should be valid ASN.
    • If Tran Type is Shipment, this should be valid Shipment Order.
    • If Tran Type is Adjustment, create an adjustment number.
    Trade PTR
    Specify a valid storerkey for the pallet exhange.
    Select the quality of the pallet exchange
    Specify a positive or negative quantity for the pallet exchange. Decimals are not allowed. If the quantity is greater than 100 or less than -100, a warning message is displayed.
  5. Save your changes.