Performing dynamic picking - pick by weight

Dynamic picking is the process of selecting a product that is allocated using the dynamic allocation logic in the system. You can use the Pick by Weight option to complete pick for orders using the weight as a measure. The weight of each pick is specified instead of the quantity so that the total amount to complete the order lines can be calculated.

To perform a dynamic picking by weight, open the main menu:

  1. From the RF device Main menu, select Picking. The Pick Menu (PM1) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Dynamic Pick. The Dynamic Pick (DAPM) menu is displayed.
  3. Click More.
  4. Select Pick by Weight. The Pick by Weight menu is displayed.
  5. Specify this information:
    Order #
    The order number to pick.
    The item code to pick.
    The sequence that determines the items to be picked. Possible options:
    • Item
    • Heavy
    • Light
    • Location
  6. Press Enter. The Pick by Weight menu is displayed with the details.
  7. Specify this information to complete the pick:
    The suggested location.
    The license plate from which you are picking.
    Wgt Picked
    The total weight that is picked from the requested weight.
    Note: An error message is displayed when the weight picked exceeds the tolerance.
  8. Press Enter after you complete the last field on the screen, to complete the pick.
    • The Get Next DA Pick screen is displayed for the operator. You can press Enter to request another task for the current order or select the picked product, to move to another location.
    • For more information on how to use the move options, refer to the Moving Picked Inventory section in the Infor WMS Picking User Guide.