Owner configuration screen requirements

  1. Select WMS > Configuration > Trading Partner > Owner.
  2. To display a list, use the Search feature.
  3. Click the Detail icon for the owner you want to view. The Owner Detail screen is displayed.
  4. Click the Crossdock tab.
  5. Select the Enable Opportunistic Crossdock field.
  6. Select the Allow Partial Shipments field to allow orders to be partially allocated as part of a crossdock receipt if the order quantity meets the minimum requirements as defined below.

    For example, an order selected for eligible crossdock allocation has a quantity ordered = 50, but only 20 units are available on the receipt. If the Allow Partial Shipments field is selected (On), 20 units of the current order can be allocated as part of the receipt. If the Allow Partial Shipments is not selected (Off), the order will not be selected for opportunistic allocation, leaving all 50 units remaining to be allocated. The application will look for another eligible order with an open quantity of 20 or less to be processed through opportunistic allocation.

  7. Specify a value in the Maximum # of Orders to Allocate per Receipt Transactions field to limit the number of orders across which a receipt may be opportunistically allocated.
  8. Specify a numeric value between 0 and 100 in Minimum Allowable % of Order Qty to Received Qty field to set the minimum order quantity that will be considered for opportunistic allocation. This value is multiplied by the quantity being received to determine the minimum order quantity.

    For example: Minimum Allowable % = 20; Quantity being received = 50.

    Only order lines with a quantity greater than or equal to 50 x .20, which is 10, are considered for opportunistic allocation.

    • Under this scenario, a maximum of 5 orders can be allocated, since the quantity received is 50 and the minimum order quantity has been determined to be 10. It is possible less than 5 orders will be allocated if at least one has an order quantity greater than 10.
    • The Maximum # of Orders and the Minimum Allowable % fields work together to provide restrictions to opportunistic crossdock for productivity purposes. In the above example, as the Minimum % goes up, the number of orders that can be filled decreases. For example, if the minimum % = 50, no more than 2 orders are allocated on a single receipt transaction. It is possible that another receipt for the same item triggers the allocation of additional orders, providing the quantity ordered is above the minimum level determined by the quantity being received and the current receipt transaction.
    • To correctly use these parameters with the operation, they should be configured to multiply to 100. In the example above, setting the Maximum Orders parameter any higher than 5 does not change the result since it has been determined that the quantity being ordered on each order must be greater than or equal to 20% of the quantity being received. Setting the number of orders too low can cause your receipts to become fragmented, using some of the product for opportunistic allocation and other portions of the quantity received to putaway. In our example, if the Maximum % Orders was set at 3, the application could only allocate 3 orders for 20 units each for a total of 60. This would leave 40 units of that receipt available for putaway and use on orders at a later time. It would be preferable to use the entire quantity received for opportunistic allocation if orders meet the defined criteria.
    • If the operation determines that only full-pallet orders should be managed through opportunistic allocation, the Minimum Allowable % can be set to 100 with the Maximum # of Orders set at 1. This means the order quantity must be greater than or equal to the quantity received. This prevents breaking and storing partial pallets due to the use of opportunistic crossdock for smaller order quantities.
    • If you would like all open orders to be eligible to be allocated using opportunistic crossdock, the Minimum Allowable % can be set to 0. This means that any quantity being received can be used for opportunistic crossdock if there is a current demand.
  9. If order sequences have been created, they are listed in the Order Sequence Strategy field values. To apply an order sequence strategy, select the strategy applicable to the Owner. (See the above section for information on order sequence configuration).
  10. Specify a value in the From Date field to indicate the number of days from which the application can pull order lines. This value is subtracted from the current date to determine the length of time the application can look back at order dates for opportunistic purposes.
  11. Specify a value in the To Date field to indicate the number of days from which the application can pull order lines. This value is added to the current date to determine the length of time the application can look forward at order dates for opportunistic purposes.
  12. Select the applicable values in the Order Types to Exclude from Opportunistic Allocation fields to determine the type of orders to exclude from the opportunistic crossdock selection.