Moving flow thru inventory

Moving flow thru items is the next step in processing flow thru inventory. In general, flow thru move tasks are generated by the application based on lane assignments. The following rules apply to flow thru moves:

  • If a receipt contains an item assigned to an item flow lane, a move is generated to the item flow lane.
  • If a flow thru Item located in an intermediate drop zone is given an item flow lane assignment, a move is generated to the item flow lane.
  • If a receipt contains an item that is not assigned to an item flow lane and the customers ordering the item have no lane assignments, a move is directed to the intermediate drop zone.
  • If the customer requesting pallets has an outbound lane assignment, pallets located in divert or customer flow lanes will have move tasks directed to an outbound lane. If the customer requesting the pallets has no outbound lane assignment, the application indicates that no lane is assigned. At that time, the customer can be assigned to an outbound lane.

    Use the RF-assisted move feature to move flow thru items within the facility. Moving flow thru inventory does not affect inventory balances.

To move flow thru inventory:

  1. From the RF device select Main > Replen & Move. The Replen & Move (RPMV) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Assisted Move. The Assisted Move (RL021) screen is displayed.
  3. Specify information in LPN and press Enter. The Assisted MV (MVA) screen is displayed with the requested information.
  4. The RF device transmits data to the application database and is displayed a new screen ready for the next move.
    Note: If invalid data are entered, the database displays an error message. Correct the data and then try again.
  5. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all of the data are entered.
  6. To return to the main menu, press Esc.