Moving transship containers

After you receive transship containers, the next step is to move them into a location in the warehouse. The application generates a move task based on existing lane assignments when a transship order is processed.

Application-generated and manually added move tasks for transship containers are completed on the RF Transship Move screen on the workstation. The following rules apply to moving Transship Containers:

  • If a transship container is received for a customer with an outbound lane assignment, a move is generated to the outbound lane.
  • If a transship container is received for a customer with a customer lane assignment, a move is generated to the customer lane.
  • If a transship container is received for a customer with a customer and outbound lane assignment, a move is generated to the outbound lane.
  • If a transship container is received for a customer without a customer or outbound lane assignment, a move is generated to the intermediate drop zone.
  • If a transship container is located in the intermediate drop zone and the customer assigned to the container receives a lane assignment, a move is generated to the appropriate lane.
Note:  In this case, the term transship container refers to a pallet or case, not a shipping vessel.

To complete transship moves:

  1. From the RF device select Main > Move. The Move Tasks (MV) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Transship. The Transship MV (MTR) screen is displayed.
  3. In ID, specify the Transship Container ID and press Enter twice. The Transship MV (MTR) screen is displayed with the requested information.
  4. Press Enter twice. The RF device transmits the data to the database and then is displayed a blank screen ready for the next record.
    Note:  If invalid data is entered, the database displays an error message. Correct the data and then try again.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all data is entered.
  6. To return to the main menu, press Esc.