Percentage Based by PO rule type
Using the Percentage Based by PO rule type, the automatic apportion rules are executed
and calculated based on the actual received inventory such as the LPN quantity.
The Percentage Based by PO apportionment is used when the Ship To's require 100% of the quantity ordered. To override the calculated percentage, a Flow Thru Apportionment detail must be created, and the Shipment Order must specify 100% of the quantity ordered.
When Shipment Orders are added to the WMS, the Percentage Based by PO is calculated as follows:
- Expected Quantity for ASN/PO = 2640 EA (66 CS) Note: If the item exists on the PO multiple times, the total expected quantity for all PO lines must be obtained.
- First SO 10003 Quantity = 80 EA (2 CS)
- 80 EA divided by 2640 EA = .03 which is 3%
When LPN is received, the system updates the Flow Thru Order - Flow Thru Quantity Processed and performs these actions:
- Verify if there are any Ship To IDs in the Flow Thru Apportionment Detail. These Ship To’s must be sorted first and 100% of their orders fulfilled.
- Sort the remaining order details items in ascending order based on the Percentage Based by PO value.
- Calculate the Flow Thru Quantity Processed when LPN is Received, such as:
- LPN - REC_001 received quantity of 20 CS
- SO 10003 has percentage of 3%
- 20 CS * 3% = .06 (Round = 1 CS)
- In this example the UOM rounding is by Case
- This process continues for all the Shipment Orders until all the inventory received has been processed.