Using label reprint

Use the Label Reprint option to enter data into three specific label types:

  • Case
  • PO/ASN
  • Loading assignment

After data are entered and processed, the printed label is directed to the printer you selected after selecting the RF Receipt option.

  1. From the RF device select Main > Receiving. The Printer ID (PID) screen is displayed.
  2. In PRNT, specify the printer ID and press Enter twice. The Receiving Tasks (RC) screen is displayed.
  3. Select Crossdock Rcpt. The Crossdock Rcpt (RXM) screen is displayed.
  4. Select Label Reprint. The Label Menu (LPM) screen is displayed.
  5. To specify data for a case label, select Case Label. The LP Case LP011 screen is displayed.
  6. Specify information in the appropriate fields.
  7. Press Enter twice. The unit transmits the data to the application database and then is displayed a new screen ready for the next record.
  8. To specify data for a PO/ASN Label, select PO/ASN Label > Label. The LP PO/ASN (LP012) screen is displayed.
  9. Specify the information in the appropriate fields.
  10. Press Enter twice. The RF device transmits the data to the application database and then is displayed a new screen ready for the next record.
  11. To return to the main menu, press Esc.