Bio-terrorism item, COOL item, or COOL and Bio-terrorism item
If the item type is COOL, Bio-terrorism, or both, the following rules apply:
- An item cannot be received without a license plate number (LPN).
- An item cannot be moved to a blank license plate number (LPN).
- An item cannot be received or moved to a location when the option is selected for the location.
- An item cannot be received or moved to a location designated or when the and system options are selected.
- Supplier information must be captured for the receipt detail. This validation is based on the system option.
- Carrier and trailer information must be captured for the Shipment Order. This validation is performed at shipping.
Bio-terrorism item
If the item type is Bio-terrorism, the following rules apply:
- Carrier and trailer information must be captured for the Receipt. This validation is based on the system option.
- LPNs cannot be merged from different suppliers or different ASNs, such as the carrier.
COOL item
If the item type is COOL, you cannot merge LPNs from different suppliers.