Item pick location configuration (Assign Locations tab)

Use this page to configure a pick location for the item.

To configure a pick location for the item:

  1. Select the Assign Locs tab to access the pick location fields. At least one row must be created to define a pick-case location, and at least one row must be created to define a pick-piece location.
    Note: You can use the Excel Import and Export features to create or update item pick locations. With the Import feature, you can import, at a minimum, only the fields required to create an item pick location; or you can import additional data into the other fields. With the Export feature, you can select to export all data for selected item pick locations or only the data displayed on the list view. For additional information on the Import and Export features, see the Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User Guide.
  2. Click New to access the Assign Location detail view.
  3. Specify this information:
    Location Type
    Type of storage location required. Options include:
    • Layer
    • Case
    • Pick
    • Other

      Required if owner/item combination is assigned to Location.

    Code identifying a physical location within the facility. You can either enter the location or use the Lookup feature to select a specific location. Required.
    Minimum. Capacity (Master Unit)
    Minimum quantity allowed in the assigned location for the item. Replenishment priority levels increase as the inventory levels approach minimum capacity. Required if you populate the Capacity Minimum on the Item/Loc tab.

    Default value: Displays the data you entered on the Item/Loc tab.

    Maximum Capacity (Master Unit)
    Maximum quantity of the item that the location can hold. When the application drops below this amount, a replenishment task is triggered. The priority of the task depends on how close the inventory level is to the maximum capacity. Required if you enter the Capacity Maximum on the Item/Loc tab.

    Default value: Displays the data you entered on the Item/Loc tab.

    Minimum Replenishment UOM
    Minimum unit of measure (UOM) you can use before a replenishment task is triggered. For example, a full case or pallet is needed before dispatching a replenishment task. Default value: EA
    Allow Replenishment from Bulk
    Indicator that determines whether a replenishment task is triggered from a Bulk/Reserve location to a Case, Piece, or Bulk/Reserve location.

    Default value: Check box is selected when Location type is PICK – Case or PICK – Piece.

    Allow Replenishment from Case
    ndicator that determines whether a replenishment task is triggered from a replenishment task from a Case location to a Piece, or Bulk/Reserve location.

    Default value: Check box is selected when the Location type is PICK – Piece. Field is disabled when the Location type is PICK – Case.

    Allow Replenishment from Piece
    Indicator that determines whether a replenishment task is triggered from a Piece location to a Case or Bulk/Reserve location.
    Note: Check box is disabled when Location Type is PICK – Piece.
    Replenishment Priority
    Urgency of the replenishment task:
    • 1 = Highest priority
    • 9 = Lowest priority
    Determines the order in which replenishment tasks are generated. Write-protected.
    Replenishment Override
    Number of units entered in this field forces the creation of a Priority 1 replenishment task in Task Manager to move that quantity of items into the location (if it is a case/piece pick location). If it is necessary to force high priority replenishment, enter the number of units to replenish in this field. If not, no action is needed.
    • If the location is already filled to maximum capacity, no replenishment task is created.
    • This field is optional; however, it is required if you populate the Capacity Minimum on the Item/Loc tab.

      Default value: Displays the data you entered on the Item/Loc tab.

    UOM Qty to be Replenished
    Calculation based on the Minimum Replenishment UOM. Write-protected.
    Lot Number
    If a lot number is displayed, the lot must be used for replenishment. If a lot number does not exist, the system determines the lot based on normal rotation.