Slotting Strategies
To create a slotting strategy:
- From the WMS menu, select Configuration > Strategies > Slotting Strategies to open the Slotting Strategies screen.
- Click New to access the Slotting Strategies detail view.
Specify this information:
- Slotting Strategy Name
- Unique identifier of the Slotting Strategy Name.
- Description
- Description of the slotting strategy.
- Step Number
- The sequence in which the steps should be processed. This a number value that is used to sort the slotting steps. Specific numbers do not need to be used but the sequence does matter.
- Step Type
- Slotting strategy type to include in candidate locations for
slotting. Various types are available to allow the strategies to be
configured to best place product in facility. These types are listed below:
- Look for an open location - the system looks for locations with a current balance equaling zero. This type is used to fill the location for a new item.
- Item last picked date is greater than the number of days back - the system determines the max pick date for that location is greater than the value selected in number of days back field.
- Item has no open quantity ordered - there is no order detail line for the SKU with an open quantity greater than zero.
- Number of days back
- Used for item last picked date is greater than the number of days back with quantities varying between 7 and 90 days.