Creating an RF picking strategy

You can create an RF picking strategy that configures and controls some of the operator input on the RF device during the picking process. Within the RF Picking Strategy screen, you can determine the fields and the corresponding options for the fields that are controlled by an RF picking strategy. You can specify the controls for either the Pick From Fields or the Pick To Fields.

The available pick from control fields on the detail form portion of the RF Picking Strategy screen are:

  • Item Number
  • From Location
  • From License Plate (LPN)
  • Display Pick Detail Summary Screens (check box)
Note: The Display Pick Detail Summary Screens selection only applies to picking types with a Pick Detail Summary screen included in the RF screen flow.

The available pick to control fields on the detail form portion of the RF Picking strategy screen are:

  • Case ID
  • To License Plate/Drop ID
  • To Location
  • Display Pick Detail Summary Screens (check box)
  • Position
  • Carton Type
  • Default Equipment ID as To Location (check box)
Note:  The Position field is only applicable for a type of assignment picking referred to as Clustered Assignments so the value for this field is typically the default setting of Not Displayed.

The available options for these pick from and pick to control fields are provided within the steps below.

  1. Select Configuration > Strategies > RF Picking. The RF Picking list view is displayed.
    Note:  The Import and Export selections are available in the RF Picking list view. In addition to the functionality defined in the Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User Guide, the import and export features within the RF Picking list view have been expanded.
    • Click Import to import Microsoft Excel data to either create new records or update existing records. Infor WMS validates the field values before either new records are inserted or existing records are updated. If a validation fails, the import log record indicates the error file.
    • When you click Export, both header and detail data are exported to a Microsoft Excel file. As in other existing areas within Infor WMS, the header and detail values are exported to separate tabs in the Excel file.
  2. Specify this information on the RF Picking Strategy header:
    Picking Strategy
    Specify the name or ID of the RF picking strategy.
    Specify a description of the RF picking strategy.
  3. Specify this information on the RF Picking Strategy detail form:
    Step Number
    Specify a numeric value used to control pick methods separately from each other if needed within the same strategy. The sequence does not matter. This is a required field.
    Note: If a pick method already exists on a step for the strategy, a hard error is displayed if you attempt to add another step and select the same pick method for the same strategy. A specific pick method can only exist on one step for the same strategy.
    Rule Active
    Specify if a user is allowed to work on a strategy without the system including the RF picking strategy step until this check box is selected.
    Note: After a strategy is created and selected for a zone, you must select the Rule Active check box for the system to include the step.
    Type of Picking
    These fields for the strategy's detail step record determine where the pick methods are controlled by the selections made for the strategy's step are selected.
    Item Number
    Select the options for the display of the item number on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    From Location
    Specify the options for the control of the from location on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    From License Plate/LPN
    These selections provide the available options for the control of the From License Plate/LPN on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    • Display and Confirm if LPN exists
    Display Pick Detail Summary Screens
    Specify how to control the display of Pick Detail Summary screens for picking types that include Pick Detail Summary screens in the RF screen flow. Picking types that include pick detail summary screens are Assignment Pick and Cluster Picking. If the check box is selected, the Pick Detail Summary screens are shown.
    Hide Pick Overview Screen
    Specify how to control if the Next Pick Task (TPK) RF screen, which includes details about the pick, is displayed or not displayed when you confirm the next pick. If the check box is selected, the TPK RF screen is not displayed in the RF picking screens flow.
    Hide Next Task Screen Between Picks
    This check box selection controls if the Get Next Task (TM02) RF screen is displayed or not displayed when you complete a task. If the check box is selected, the Get Next Task (TM02) RF screen is not displayed in the RF picking screens flow, including the Assignment Picking and all the Cluster Picking. The RF screen, TPKD, is displayed when you complete all tasks in a wave or order, or skip an entire wave or order.
    Case ID
    This selection provides the available options for the display of the case ID on the RF device during the picking process. Options are:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    • Not displayed
    To License Plate/Drop ID
    This selection provides the available options for the control of the From Location on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm Optional - Non Pallet UOM
    • Confirm Optional - All UOM (Default)
    • Confirm Required - Non Pallet UOM
    • Confirm Required - All UOM
    • Not displayed
    To Location
    This selection provides the available options for the control of the To Location on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    This selection provides the available options for the Position field on the RF device during the picking process. This field is only selectable when Assignment Pick is selected as a picking type:
    • Confirm Always
    • Confirm Once
    • Display
    • Display if Position exists
    • Not displayed
    Carton Type
    This selection provides the available options for the control of the carton type on the RF device during the picking process:
    • Confirm
    • Display
    • Not displayed
    Default Equipment ID as To Location
    This selection determines if the Equipment ID becomes the default To Location for picking when an Operator logs in with a valid equipment ID. If the check box is selected, it overrides the zone default Pick To Location.
    Note: The Equipment ID value must also be set up as a valid in-transit location for this functionality to work.
  4. Click Save.
    • You can make a duplicate of a strategy to create a new record. When you click Duplicate, you are prompted to specify a unique code key and description for the new record. Click Save to create the new record. All detail rows in the existing record are copied and saved to the detail table.