Inbound activities linked to specific events
Some of the activities that can be configured in the Inbound Activity screen are directly linked to a specific activity. The settings for Active and Automatic fields are used to control if the action should occur. The Active flag means the activity should not execute automatically or even upon user request. The Automatic flag is used to control if the activity should occur automatically without user interaction. The Automatic flag only applies to those records that have the Active flag set to Yes.
The available settings for these activities are:
- Active=Yes/Automatic=Yes. The action will automatically occur for these activities when the appropriate activity is completed.
- Active=Yes/Automatic=No. The action will only be performed when the user chooses the action from the corresponding menu option in the Receipt screen.
- Active=No/Automatic=Yes. The action will not be performed for the specified facility, owner, or ship from combination even if the user chooses the action from the menu in the Receipt screen.
- Active=No/Automatic=No. The action will not be performed for the specified facility, owner, or ship from combination even if the user chooses the action from the menu in the Receipt screen.
This section defines the various inbound activities and their functions.
When the Automatic flag set to Yes, the system automatically creates paper directed putaway tasks for all records received on the receipt for the specified facility, owner, or ship from. This will generate the paper putaway task after each receipt transaction. If the Receive All option is selected, all putaway tasks will be created.
As the putaway tasks are created the paper putaway report will be automatically printed if both Active and Automatic flags are set to Yes.
As the putaway tasks are created the corresponding putaway labels will be automatically printed if both Active and Automatic flags are set to Yes.