Carton/RFID tab
Use this tab to specify and manage carton details and RFID information associated with packing operations.
On the Carton/RFID tab, the Unit of Measure and Unit per Measure columns are display only. These fields show the values input on the Pack tab at the Enterprise level.
You can specify this information on the Carton/RFID tab:
- Pack
Code containing one or more UOMs. These UOMs determine how items are measured and tracked throughout the facility. Required.
Note: This field is entered on the Pack tab at the Enterprise level and cannot be edited here. - Description
Text describing the pack code. Required.
Note: This field is entered on the Pack tab at the Enterprise level and cannot be edited here. - Cartonize
- Check box that determines whether cartonization routines run for each UOM. Required.
- RFID Label Information -Filter Value
- Indicator that determines the UOM on the RFID chip.
- RFID Label Information -Indicator Digit
- Indicator that determines the packaging hierarchy for SGTIN labels.