Miscellaneous tab

Use this tab to specify various owner-related details, such as capturing inbound temperature and setting default lottable validation.

  1. Click the Miscellaneous tab.
  2. Specify this information:
    UDF (1-6)
    Additional information about the owner in user-defined fields.
    Credit Limit
    Maximum amount of the owner credit limit for warehousing and storage charges. Used mainly for 3PL (Third Party Logistics), in which the warehouse applies handling or storage charges to an owner account.
    Note: This field is notational only; it does not prevent items from being received or shipped. Default value: 0.00.
    Capture Inbound Temperature
    Specify Yes to require operators to enter temperature readings during the receiving process. This requirement applies to all items that belong to this owner; you can change the requirement for individual items. Temperature readings can be entered on RF screens and on the ASN/Receipt screens for each pallet on a load.

    The ASN close process validates that the temperatures have been captured.

    Default Lottable Validation
    Specify a validation rule for the items created for this owner. The default value is Standard.
    Overwrite Address/Contact Info
    Check box that indicates whether address and contact information gets overwritten.
    Additional information about the owner.
  3. Click Save.