Billing Charge Codes tab

Use this tab to create a new billing charge code for the owner.

  1. Click the Billing Charge Codes tab to view current bill charges codes used by this owner.
  2. Click New to create a new billing charge code for this owner.
  3. Specify this information:
    Transaction Type
    The type of transaction activity that generates this billing charge.
    Charge Code
    Indicates the type of charge assigned to this transaction by the owner.
    Charge Comment
    Additional comments pertaining to this billing charge code.
    Default Charge Code
    Select this check box to identify the selected charge code as the default.
    Charge Rate
    Dollar (or other monetary amount) used for the charges being applied.
    Apply to RF Transactions
    Select this check box to apply this charge code to RF transactions.
    UOM Code
    The unit of measure code use to calculate the charges
    Owner Bill To
    Use the Lookup feature to select an Owner Bill To for the charge code.
    Charge Quantity
    Apply charges based on the transaction quantity.
    Charge Comment
    Enter additional comments pertaining to this charge code.
  4. Click Save.