Billing tab

Use this tab to define the billing specifics for the owner, including the measurement system, currency code, unit of measure for weight, dimensions, cube, and recurring storage code.

  1. Click the Billing tab.
  2. Specify this information:
    Measurement System
    The measurement system used by this owner (US Customary vs. Metric)
    Weight Unit of Measure
    The standard unit of measure codes used for weight by this owner.
    Dimension Unit of Measure
    The standard unit of measure codes used for dimension measurements by this owner.
    Cube Unit of Measure
    The standard unit of measure codes used for cubic measurement by this owner.
    Currency Code
    The standard currency codes used by this owner. The currency type determines how many decimals are used in currency fields.
    Tax Exempt
    Indicates whether this owner is exempt from paying certain of taxes.
    Tax Exempt Code
    The code that identifies the type of tax exemption that may apply to this owner.
    Recurring Storage Code
    The standard recurring codes used by this owner to identify how the system accrues charges for recurring storage charges for this owner.
    Duns Number
    The DUNS number assigned to this owner.
    Tax Exemption Number
    The number assigned to the tax exemption applying to this owner.
    Quick Freeze Surcharge Degrees
    The temperature for which to base accrued surcharges for quick freeze storage.
    Blast Freeze Surcharge Degrees
    The temperature for which to base accrued surcharges for blast freeze storage.
    Terms Description
    Enter the description of the billing terms used for this owner. Terms identify the time period given to customers to pay their invoices.

    Typical standard terms include:

    • UPONREC - Payable upon receipt
    • NET10 - Net 10 days
    • NET15 - Net 15 days
    • NET30 - Net 30 days
    • NET45 – Net 45 days
    • NET60 - Net 60 days
    Invoice Assignment Level
    The invoice system process the system uses to break up the invoices.

    At a minimum, the invoices will always be separated by Customer and Bill To Customer, but they can be also be separated further. Levels include:

    • Customer/Bill To
    • Customer/Bill To/Whse
    • Customer/Bill To/Order
    • Customer/Bill To/Load
    Non-Negotiable Level
    Specify the level of Non-Negotiables for this owner.

    Non-Negotiables are legal documents printed for each inbound receipt order. Levels include:

    • No Non-negotiable
    • Standard Non-Negotiable
    • Combined Non-Negotiable/Invoice
    • Multiple Customer Non-Negotiable/Invoice
  3. Click Save.