Billing tab
Use this tab to define the billing specifics for the owner, including the measurement system, currency code, unit of measure for weight, dimensions, cube, and recurring storage code.
- Click the Billing tab.
Specify this information:
- Measurement System
- The measurement system used by this owner (US Customary vs. Metric)
- Weight Unit of Measure
- The standard unit of measure codes used for weight by this owner.
- Dimension Unit of Measure
- The standard unit of measure codes used for dimension measurements by this owner.
- Cube Unit of Measure
- The standard unit of measure codes used for cubic measurement by this owner.
- Currency Code
- The standard currency codes used by this owner. The currency type determines how many decimals are used in currency fields.
- Tax Exempt
- Indicates whether this owner is exempt from paying certain of taxes.
- Tax Exempt Code
- The code that identifies the type of tax exemption that may apply to this owner.
- Recurring Storage Code
- The standard recurring codes used by this owner to identify how the system accrues charges for recurring storage charges for this owner.
- Duns Number
- The DUNS number assigned to this owner.
- Tax Exemption Number
- The number assigned to the tax exemption applying to this owner.
- Quick Freeze Surcharge Degrees
- The temperature for which to base accrued surcharges for quick freeze storage.
- Blast Freeze Surcharge Degrees
- The temperature for which to base accrued surcharges for blast freeze storage.
- Terms Description
- Enter the description of the billing terms used for this owner.
Terms identify the time period given to customers to pay their invoices.
Typical standard terms include:
- UPONREC - Payable upon receipt
- NET10 - Net 10 days
- NET15 - Net 15 days
- NET30 - Net 30 days
- NET45 – Net 45 days
- NET60 - Net 60 days
- Invoice Assignment Level
- The invoice system process the system uses to break up the
At a minimum, the invoices will always be separated by Customer and Bill To Customer, but they can be also be separated further. Levels include:
- Customer/Bill To
- Customer/Bill To/Whse
- Customer/Bill To/Order
- Customer/Bill To/Load
- Non-Negotiable Level
- Specify the level of Non-Negotiables for this owner.
Non-Negotiables are legal documents printed for each inbound receipt order. Levels include:
- No Non-negotiable
- Standard Non-Negotiable
- Combined Non-Negotiable/Invoice
- Multiple Customer Non-Negotiable/Invoice
- Click Save.