Defining Ship From Trading Partner information at the Warehouse level

Processing Tab

  1. Click the Processing tab.
  2. Specify this information:
    Vendor Compliance Strategy
    Valid Vendor Compliance Strategy.
    Inbound LPN Prefix
    Optional prefix for system generated inbound LPN Ids.
    Inbound LPN Length
    The total length of the inbound LPN Id including the prefix.
    RF Auto Print LPN Label at Receipt
    Determines if the LPN label is automatically printed after RF receiving.
    RF Auto Fill Generated LPN Id
    Determines if the LPN field on the RF receiving screens is auto-filled when a new LPN is generated.
    Receipt Unit Label Name
    The Label Name of the Receipt Unit Label to be printed during RF receiving.
    Receipt Unit Label UOM
    The UOM to be used when printing Receipt Unit Labels. For example, if the Receipt Unit Label UOM is set to Case, a label is printed for each received case based on the received PACK. Receipt Unit Labels are not printed if the received PACK does not contain a value for the specified UOM.
    Can Support Single-Scan Receiving for Imported ASNs
    Determines if single-scan receiving is allowed for this Ship From trading partner. If the Ship From partner is a trusted supplier (for example, another warehouse within your organization), you can select the check box to allow single-scan receiving.
  3. Click Save.

Owner Reports tab

  1. Click the Owners Reports tab.
  2. Select a report to view or click New to create a new owner/ship from report association.
  3. Specify this information to configure specific report formats by ship from customer:
    Report Type
    The purpose of using this configuration is to print a version of these reports different from the standard report. The Ship From specific report configuration can also be defined on the Owner screen with the owner reports tab.

    Reports types available are:

    • Receipt Summary
    • Receipt Detail
    • Custom Receipt
    Report ID
    Select a valid report ID from the drop-down list. This list will only display reports that have been configured for the report type selected above. These are defined on the Reports Configuration screen.
    A valid Owner is required. Specify the owner the current report type applies to for this ship from.
    Email Recipient

    Select from the drop-down who should receive an email when the receipt reaches the specified status. The possible choices are:

    • None. An email is not sent.
    • Email addresses listed. Specify the email addresses on the Email Address field.
    • Ship From email on Receipt. An email will be sent to the email address listed on the receipt for the ship from (supplier). This selection only applies to inbound type reports.
    • Contact 1 Email from Trading Partner Master. Send the email to the contact 1 email for the Ship From.
    • Contact 2 Email from Trading Partner Master. Send the email to the contact 2 email for the Ship From.
    Email Addresses
    List the specific email address you want to send the notification to if needed. Use a comma between addresses when sending to multiple people.
    Number of Copies to Print
    Enter the number of copies of the report to print.
    Note: The email subject line and message body for a report or email specified on this screen default from the inbound or outbound activity setting.
  4. Click Save.

Owner Labels tab

  1. Click the Owners Labels tab.
  2. Select a label to view or click New to create a new owner/ship from label association.
  3. Specify this information.
    Label Type
    Type of label to be used. The Label Name and Label Type combination must be unique within the application. The label type can be selected from the drop-down list.
    Label Name
    Label names associated with the label type (see the previous field).
    Valid Owner as defined in the owner table.
    Number of Copies to Print
    The number of copies to print for this owner labels override.
  4. Click Save.