Adding status and location types

To specify status and location types for a putaway strategy:

  1. On the Putaway Strategy screen, click the Status/Location Type tab.
  2. Specify this information:
    Inventory Hold Status Includes (up to 5 can be configured)
    Specify hold codes for the product that is being putaway for the product to be considered on this step of the strategy. If multiple codes are listed, the product only has to have one of the holds assigned to be considered. This setting applies to LOT or License Plate hold types. An example of using this restriction is to take product that is on Incubation hold to a location or zone reserved for product on Incubation hold. Valid hold status codes are defined using the Hold Reason Code screen.
    QC Disposition (up to 5 can be configured)
    Specify QC disposition code used in strategy to determine putaway location.
    Location Type Excludes (up to 5 can be configured)
    Specify location types that are eligible for consideration by the putaway step. By default, the application defines outbound staging locations as restricted but you can remove these locations. Because application logic uses various location types, do not define new types.
    Location Type Restrictions (up to 3 can be configured)
    Specify location types to be used in the strategy step. If the location is included in this list, the location is a possible candidate for putaway. Because application logic uses various location types, do not define new types.
    Location Commingle Rule
    This rules determines how product can be mixed in a location. Options are:
    • Do not mix items or lots: If a different item or lot is in the location, this location is not eligible to be selected for putaway on this step. This rule overrides a location setting that may indicate that commingling is allowed.
    • Mix lots of the same item: If there is already a different item in the location, it is not eligible to be selected for putaway on this step. This rule overrides a location setting that may indicate lot commingling is allowed.
    • Must be same item and lot: If there is already a different item or lot in the location, it is not eligible to be selected for putaway on this step. This rule overrides a location setting that may indicate commingling is allowed.
    • Mix lots within Date Code Days: This rule allows mixed lots if both the existing inventory for the item and license plate being put away are within the number of days allowed for dynamic picking. This rule uses the Date Code Days configuration on the item master to ensure that the manufacture dates or expiration dates of inventory in the location will fall within the days range defined.
      Note:  The item must be configured to rotate by Manufacture Date or Expiration Date to use this commingle rule.
    • Must be empty: If inventory exists in the location, the location is not selected for putaway on this step.
  3. After you complete your entries on this tab, specify the lot attributes for the putaway strategy.