Creating a cycle count discrepancy handling template
To create a cycle count discrepancy handling template:
- Select Configuration > Validation Rules > Cycle Count.
- Click New to access the Cycle Count Discrepancy Detail view.
Specify this
- CC Discrepancy Handling Template
- Name or number that identifies a unique discrepancy handling template. Required.
- Description
- Text describing cycle
class discrepancy handling.
This description displays in the CC Discrepancy Handling Rule drop-down list on the Cycle/Cost tab of the Item detail view (Configuration > Item).
Positive Adjustment- Lot
- Entry that determines whether a positive adjustment is made using the lot number. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- Lottable04
- Entry that determines whether a positive adjustment is made using Lottable04. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- Lottable05
- Entry that determines whether a positive adjustment is made using Lottable05. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- QTY > 0
- When checked only
make adjustment to newest/oldest where the lot/lottable value has an
Available Qty greater than 0.
If there is no value with an Available Qty greater than 0, look for an On Hand Qty greater than 0.
If there is no value with an Available or On Hand Qty greater than 0, use an inventory record with quantity = 0. If the Qty > 0 selection is checked, the system adjusts a zero (0) quantity record. If the Qty > 0 selection is not checked, the system does not adjust a zero (0) quantity record.
Negative Adjustment- Lot
- Entry that determines whether a negative adjustment is made using the lot number. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- Lottable04
- Entry that determines whether a negative adjustment is made using Lottable04. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- Lottable05
- Entry that determines whether a negative adjustment is made using Lottable04. Although this field is optional, one of the fields between Lot, Lottable04, and Lottable05 must be set to a value other than N/A.
- Click Save to save your changes.