Substitute item configuration
- Select Configuration > Item to open the Item screen.
- Use the Search and Lookup features to access and select a specific Item Detail view.
Click the Substitute tab.
Note: With the Substitute tab selected, the Import and Export selections are available. In addition to the functionality defined in the Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User Guide, the import and export features within the Substitute tab have been expanded.
- You can click Import to import Microsoft Excel data to either create new records or update existing records. Infor WMS validates the field values before either new records are inserted or existing records are updated. If a validation fails, the import log record indicates the error file.
- When you click Export, both header and detail data are exported to a Microsoft Excel file. As in other existing areas within Infor WMS, the header and detail values are exported to separate tabs in the Excel file.
New to access the
substitute item form and specify this information:
- Owner
- Owner of item. To change the owner, use the Lookup feature. Required.
- Sequence
- Sequence the application should follow in applying substitutes to an allocation when a stock-out condition has occurred. Any item can have more than one substitute item. Required.
- Item
- Item for which the
substitution applies. For example, the original item on the shipment order.
Note: Only valid commodities for the owner are accepted.
- Substitute Item
- Substitute item to
be used when a stock-out condition occurs for the original item. Required.
- Only valid commodities for the owner should be specified in this field.
- An item cannot be assigned as a substitute of itself.
- Item Units
- Number of units of
the item for which a substitution occurs under a stock-out condition. Required.
Note: Value must be greater than zero.
Default value:1
- Item UOM
- UOM associated with the
Item Units field. The entries
are EA, CS, PL, and so on. This is based on the default Pack for the item
record. Required.
Default value: EA
- Item Pack
- Default pack defined for the item record. This field is pre-populated with the Pack code defined for the item. Required.
- Item Master Units
- Calculated value of
the item master units that apply to the substitution ratio. This field is
always in the master unit UOM, such as eaches. Write-protected.
- The value of this field equals the value that displays in the Item Units field if the item UOM was set to EA.
- If the Item Units field was set to one (1) and the Item UOM field was set to CS, the Item Master Units field displays the number of master units contained in one case.
- The default value for this field is one (1), which is the calculated value of the defaults for the Item Units field (1), and the Item UOM field (1).
- This field populates with the calculated value after the Item Units and Item UOM fields have been populated.
- Substitute Units
- Number of units of the
substitute item for which a substitution occurs under a stock-out condition.
Required. Note: Value must be greater than zero.
Default value: 1
- Substitute UOM
- Unit of Measure (UOM)
associated with the Substitute Item
Units field. The entries are EA,
CS, PL, and so on. This is
based on the default Pack for the item record. Required.
Default value: EA
- Substitute Pack
- Default pack defined for the substitute item record. This field is pre-populated with the Pack code defined for the substitute item. Required.
- Substitute Master Units
- Calculated value of the
substitute item master units that apply to the substitution ratio. This
field is always in the master unit UOM, such as eaches. Required.
Default value: 1
Note:- The value of this field equals the value that displays in the Substitute Item Units field if the substitute item UOM is set to EA.
- If the Substitute Units field was set to two (2) and the Substitute UOM field was set to CS, the Substitute Master Units field displays the number of master units contained in two cases, as defined by the default Pack.
- The default value for the field is one (1), which is the calculated value of the defaults for the Substitute Units field (1) and the Substitute UOM field (1).
- The field populates with the calculated value after the Substitute Units and Substitute UOM fields have been populated.
- The Owner and Item fields are automatically populated based on the specific item you selected.
- In the Sequence field, enter the sequence in which the item should be substituted during the allocation process. For example, if the application should look for this substitute item first during allocation substitution, enter 1 in this field.
- Enter the item for which the substitution applies in the Item field, or use the Lookup feature to select a specific item.
Enter the substitute item in the
Substitute Item field, or use the
Lookup feature to select a specific
Note: If the original item is out of stock during allocation, this item is substituted.
- In the Item Units field, enter the number of units of the original item for which the substitution occurs.
- From the drop-down list in the Item UOM field, select the unit of measure (UOM) associated with the item units.
- In the Substitute Units field, enter the number of units of the substitute item that will be applied as a substitution for the original item.
- From the drop-down list in the Substitute UOM field, select the UOM associated with the substitute units.
- Click Save.