Adding location details

To specify location details for a putaway strategy:

  1. On the Putaway Strategy screen, click the Location Detail tab.
  2. Specify this information:
    Location Handling Includes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Handling codes it is a possible candidate for putaway. Valid Location Handling types can be defined in the System Code LOCHDLING.
    Location Handling Excludes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of the handling types listed it is not eligible for this step of the putaway strategy.
    Location Flag Includes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Location Flag codes it is a possible candidate for putaway. The only flags available in this drop down are None, Damage, or Hold. Additional flags cannot be defined.
    Location Flag Excludes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Location Flag codes, it is not eligible for putaway.
    Location Category Includes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Category codes, it is a possible candidate for putaway. Valid Categories can be defined in the System Code LOCCATEGRY. This designates that the candidate location must be contained in a specific location category, such as drive-through rack or horizontal carousel.
    Location Category Excludes (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Location Category codes, it is not a possible candidate for putaway. This designates that the candidate location must not be contained in a specific location category, such as drive-through rack or horizontal carousel.
    Location ABC Include (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these ABC codes, it is a possible candidate for putaway. Valid ABC Codes can be defined in the System Code LOCABC.
    Location ABC Exclude (configure up to 3)
    If a location has any of these Location ABC codes, it is not a possible candidate for putaway. Indicator designating that the candidate location must not be classified as Fast Mover, Average Mover, or Slow Mover.
  3. After you enter the information on this tab, specify the item details for this strategy.