System Settings
This section describes the various system setting options available in WM.
These system settings are set in the top portion of the System Settings page. These are all settings that can be turned on or off. You may also be able to specify a default value for these settings.
Key | Description |
AllowAlternateItemAssignment | Allows RF operator to create and assign alternate item number during receipt if the alternate is unknown to the system. |
AllowCatchWeightData | Enables the When selected, this setting activates the catch weight/catch data feature in the warehouse. The catch weight feature allows operators to capture weight information and other user-definable data during the receiving and shipping process. You can set catch weight/data requirements on the item record. This flag must be selected to use end-to-end serial number tracking capabilities. |
ALLOWDECIMALVALUESINQTY | Enables the entry of decimal values in quantity field. If this flag is not selected, only integer values are allowed in quantity field. |
ALLOWIDQTYUPDATE | If selected, this enables the update of quantity field in ID table. It is recommended that this flag remains unchecked to avoid performance issues. |
ALLOWLOCWGHTSHARE | Allow location weight dimension sharing. Dimension sharing allows a location to borrow weight capacity from a neighboring location as needed. If the flag is set to OFF, the system does not perform any of the associated sharing logic. |
ALLOWLOCWIDTHSHARE | Allow location width dimension sharing. Dimension sharing allows a location to borrow width capacity from a neighboring location as needed. If the flag is set to OFF, the system does not perform any of the associated sharing logic. |
ALLOWMULTIORDERLPNATPACK | Allow multiple orders to be assigned to the same License Plate during RF Packing. If this is OFF, the RF user is notified when attempting to consolidate multiple orders to the same license plate during packing. |
ALLOWMULTIORDERLPNATPICK | Allow multiple orders to be assigned to the same License Plate during Dynamic Picking. If this is OFF, the RF user is notified when attempting to place different orders to the same license plate during dynamic picking. |
ALLOWOVERALLOCATIONS | Allows over-allocation in piece/case pick location types. When selected, the system can allocate a quantity greater than the current on-hand quantity in piece pick or case pick locations. The allocated quantity cannot, however, exceed total on hand quantity within the facility. If an over-allocation occurs, the system will use replenishment tasks to move the necessary inventory quantities to the pick locations. For example, a location may only hold 50 units of an item. With this setting, the system could allocate 200 units from that location. In order to fulfill the demand, the system will continue to replenish the location as space is available. |
ALLOWPICKINGSUSPENDEDORDERS | Once the Shipment Order is suspended, all subsequent processing is halted. This flag allows the picking activity to continue for suspended orders too. |
ALLOWRFAUTOHOLDRELEASE | When this is selected, an RF user can remove a hold scheduled for automatic release prior to the planned release date. A warning message is displayed to the operator prior to removing the hold. If this is OFF, the RF release is not allowed. |
ALLOWRFLOADOVERRIDE | Allow override of Id during RF Loading. When this flag is selected (the default setting), operators can override the suggested load ID during RF loading. They can then pick another task on the same route. If this flag is not selected, operators can only perform the load task prompted by the system. |
ALLOWRFMOVEMULTILOTLPN | When selected, an RF operator can create license plates containing multiple lots or items. If this is OFF, a message is displayed to prevent operators from accidentally creating commingled license plates |
APPLYORDERDISPOSITIONRULE | When selected, shipment order processing rules are evaluated. |
ASSIGNMENTRETAIN | Number of Minute to retain assignment records before clean This setting identifies the number of minutes a pick assignment remains assigned to an operator before it is re-assigned. This ensures pick commands get completed in a timely fashion. |
AUTOCLOSEQCCONTAINER | Controls the automatic closing of containers during the QC process. If OFF, then you can scan more pieces than originally picked. The default is ON. |
AUTODELETEDROPID | Automatically delete Drop IDs after all contents are in a shipped status.
The system creates Drop IDs as outbound containers during picking or packing. When activated, this setting will delete these Drop ID records upon shipment. This allows the same ID numbers to be re-used for other shipments. By default, the system will not auto-delete IDs. Instead, it will retain the Drop ID information until the data is archived. |
AUTODELETEPREALLOCATION | Automatically Delete Any Pre-existing Allocations and Redo The
PreAllocation Run Prior To Allocating This setting determines if pre-allocation records should be deleted the next time allocation is run. If this flag is enabled, the system will rerun pre-allocation prior to the allocation. If this setting is not enabled, the existing pre-allocation information will be used as part of the new allocation process. |
AUTOLOSEIDWITHOVERALLOCATION | Automatically lose the Moveable Unit in the selection location if both
OverAllocation and this flag are
turned on. If this setting is selected, License Plate numbers are not retained on the inventory when it is moved into a Pick-Case or Pick-Piece location. If selected, license plates are removed in these location types even if the Lose ID flag is OFF on the Location configuration This flag should not be selected if you plan to perform dynamic picking, or if you have any COOL or Bioterrorism item types. Both of these situations require tracking of individual license plate numbers. |
AUTOMATICALLYCONSOLIDATEORDERS | If this setting is selected, the system automatically assigns speed pick locations when a wave is created for all items meeting the criteria. These item settings include: consolidation turned on, total quantity ordered for the item on the wave greater than the minimum quantity defined for the item, and the auto consolidate flag turned on. |
AUTORELEASETASKSATLOGOFF | Automatically release assigned tasks at logoff This setting is used to release tasks from a specific operator. If this flag is selected, the system will re-release any planned assignments that the operator has started but not completed when he or she logs of for the day. The tasks can then be re-assigned to another operator. If this flag is not selected, the system does not allow operators to log off until either they have completed all open tasks or a supervisor has manually re-assigned the remaining tasks. |
BAANINSTALLED | This is used if ERP LN product is communicating with WM. |
BLOCALMSG | If selected, program output is written to log files for debugging purposes |
BIRTREPORTSINSTALLED | Identifies if BIRT reports are being used by the operation. |
CALCPICKLBRSTDSWAVE | Automatically Pre-Calculate Assignment/Pallet Pick Estimated Labor Standards when Wave is Released |
CHECKPARESTRICTIONFORPNDLOC | If this flag is ON, the system considers if the Pick and Drop location used as part of a 2-step move has capacity for the product being moved. This uses the Stack Limit and Footprint restrictions for the pick and drop location to determine the number of license plates allowed in the pick and drop location. |
CHECKSERIALDISCREPANCY | When selected, the system ensures that the current license plate contains the correct number of serial numbers prior to allowing a move or pick to occur. If it is not in sync, a message is displayed to the RF operator and the transaction is not allowed. |
CPMBYPASSPND | Single Pallet Cherry Pick Multiple Move bypass pick and drop location.
When selected, you can bypass the pick and drop location without using a function key. |
COMMINGLESPEEDLINELOC | Allow multiple items to be consolidated in a speed pick location when using the Consolidate Picking functionality. |
CONSOLPRDMGT | Enables MIN/MAX consolidation for production management items. |
CREATEMOVEFROMQC | Create Move task from Outbound QC loc to Pick To loc. This setting applies to outbound orders. If this setting is enabled, the system will create a move task to direct inventory from the QC station to a packing location to fill order demand. If this flag is not selected, the move must be managed outside of the task manager. |
DEFAULTCARTONLABELZONEPRINT | Default container labels prompt to print on Zone printer. |
DELAYSNUMCAPTURE | When selected, an RF operator is able to escape out of a receipt transaction for serialized product without capturing all of the serials expected. If this is OFF, the user cannot use the Escape function and must record all of the serial numbers. |
DEMANDREPLENISHMENT | When enabled, this setting allows a user to create demand replenishment tasks. |
DisAllowDuplicateIdsOnRFRcpt | Disallow duplicate movable unit ids when receiving When enabled, this setting prevents an LPN from being scanned multiple times during a receipt. |
ENABLEEVENTSCANNER | If selected, transmit log entries are written to a queue. |
ENABLETASKSFORDYNAMICPICKS | This creates task detail records for Dynamic Picks. These tasks have suggested location on them. |
EQUIPMENTCHECKING | Use the Equipment Checking setting to prompt the user with specified equipment checks for equipment tasks while using RF. OFF = No Equipment Check performed. |
ERPINTERACE | This is used if LN or LX ERP system is communicating with WM. |
EXPORTHIGHESTRANKINGHOLDONLY | If selected, transactions involving Highest level HOLDS are exported and sent to the Host system. If this is not selected, all HOLD transactions are exported and sent to Host system. |
GENMESSAGEATEVENT | XML message is generated and updated in transmit log whenever event (like Order create etc) is triggered. |
GLOBAL_AUDITING | Toggles record auditing on and off This feature allows you to track every change made to ASN, Shipment Order, Purchase Order, Task Management User, and Item records. This feature is different from the Log Status features described below because it tracks any changes made to a record, not just status changes. This can be helpful for auditing purposes (such as for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance). This setting must be activated in order to use the auditing functionality. You can turn the functionality on or off for specific types of information using the Audit Screen. |
HARDERRORDURINGLOADING | If enabled, an error message is displayed during loading if catch/weight data is not specified for an Item that is configured with Catch Weight/Data. |
HOLDPKTASKS | When selected, all pick tasks are held back until the entire assignment
creation is complete. This feature will not eliminate the ability to pick an allocated wave. |
INFORWMS_BILLING | Indicates the Infor WMS Third-Party Logistics Billing is being used. |
INTERIMPNDASPA | When selected, Interim Pick and Drop tasks have a type of Putaway. If this is OFF, these tasks are created with a type of Move. |
INVENTORYLOTTABLECONTROL | When selected, ensures that an RF or UI move process initiates a lottable update when maintaining lot attribute statuses. |
LABORENGINEINSTALLED | Indicates Infor WMS Labor Management is installed and communicating with WM. |
LOGASNDETAILSTATUS | Allow Status history tracking at the ASN Detail level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on an ASN detail record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the ASN toolbar. |
LOGASNHEADERSTATUS | Allow Status history tracking at the ASN Header level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on an ASN header record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the ASN toolbar. |
Allow Status History Tracking at the Order Detail Level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on a shipment order detail record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the shipment order toolbar. |
LOGORDERHEADERSTATUS | Allow Status History Tracking at the Order Header Level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on a shipment order header record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the shipment order toolbar. |
LOGPODETAILSTATUS | Allow Status history tracking at the PO Detail level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on a purchase order detail record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the purchase order toolbar. |
LOGPOHEADERSTATUS | Allow Status history tracking at the PO Header level If this is selected, the system will record each change of status on a purchase order header record. Operators can view the status history by using the History drop-down on the purchase order toolbar. |
LOTSWAPPINGLOGS | Enable Lot Swapping Logs When enabled, Lot Swapping logs are created when lot swapping occurs. |
MONITORPRODUCTIVITY | Enable Labor Productivity Monitoring This setting activates the Productivity functionality. By default, it is turned off. |
PHYSICALCOUNTFORZEROQTYLOCS | Create physical inventory count tasks for locations that show zero quantity in the location when task directed physical inventory counts are being generated. |
POPULATEASNPOBG | Enable the use of background process to populate Note: By
default, this system setting is disabled.
RECEIPTLINECOPYFLAG | Receipt Line Copy Flag When enabled, this setting allows critical information from an ASN record to be automatically applied to the new RF receipt. This includes a purchase order number or QC requirement for the item being received. The operator then does not have to input the information as part of the scan on inbound material provided it was included on the ASN record. |
REQUIRECYCLECOUNTREASON | Reason Code Required when posting Cycle Counts When enabled, the system will require operators to enter a Reason Code when they record a quantity variance during cycle counts. |
RequireDepTimeonLoad | Require Departure Time to be entered on Creation of Load Records? When enabled, this setting ensures that operators set a Departure Date/Time within load management. If operators attempt to save a load schedule without entering this information, the system displays a warning message. |
REQUIRELOTTABLESONWHTRANSFER | Flag that determines whether the Lot Attributes need to be passed during
Warehouse Transfer When enabled, this setting ensures that lot information from the shipping warehouse is included on the ASN record in the receiving warehouse during a facility transfer operation. |
RESERVEMINSHIPFAILURES | Hold by pre-allocation partially allocated lines that fail Minimum Ship
Percentage. The Minimum Ship % value on the shipment order line identifies the minimum percentage of total ordered quantity that can be shipped to the customer, in the event that the full ordered quantity is not available. If the allocated quantity does not meet the minimum ship percent and this system setting is enabled, the system maintains the inventory in a pre-allocated status to reserve the product for the customer until the remainder of the requested quantity is available for allocation. If this system setting is not enabled and the allocated amount does not meet the minimum ship percent, the system un-allocates the inventory and makes it available to other orders. |
RFFULLCSPICKBKGROUND | Are RF full case picks to be processed in the background? If this system setting is enabled, the system performs RF case picking in the background. |
Automatically reverse serial number move transaction if issue encountered by the RF operator. This is checked during a move transaction. If selected, the system resets the inventory to the previous state if the user presses OFF, there is an inventory discrepancy that must be resolved prior to using that inventory. to exit the move transaction. If this is |
Interval in Days to run inventory purge process This setting identifies the frequency (in days) with which the system should run the inventory purge process. This setting works in conjunction with the ZEROINVENTORYDAYS and INVENTORYPURGEINTERVAL settings. |
SPS_INSTALLED | Infor SPS module is installed. |
STATUSLOADID | Auto Update Load id to status loaded after all RF load tasks are complete.
When this flag is selected (the default setting), the load status automatically updates to Load when operators complete the last task associated with the load ID. If this flag is not selected, the system prompts operators to update the status after they complete the last task. |
TRANSMITLOGFORZEROSHIPPED | Transmit Log entries are created for zero quantity shipped for Shipment Orders |
TRANSSHIPTOCUSTOMERRELATEDROUT | When selected the system ensures the Transship ASN Customer has a lane assigned. |
UPDATEINVENTORYONLOAD | When selected (default), the location in inventory balances is updated during RF Loading. This can be turned OFF for performance reasons. |
USEWAREHOUSEPLANNER | Setting no longer used |
VALIDATEPO | Validate the purchase order received exists in the WM. |
WARNMOVEFROMHELDLOC | When selected, the RF operator receives a warning message if attempting to move inventory out of a location that is on WARNMOVEFROMHELDLPN |
WARNMOVEFROMHELDLPN When selected, the RF operator receives a warning message if attempting to move a license plate that has an LPN hold against it. If this flag is OFF, the RF user can perform the move without a message. | |
WARNMOVEFROMHELDLOC | When selected, the RF operator receives a warning message if attempting to move inventory out of a location that is on hold. If this flag is OFF, the RF user can perform the move without a message. |
GROUPLBLFILESEXPLODEPRNT | Enables the single label file logic. If this parameter setting is
On, a single label file is generated for the selected
records when you click the Explode
and Print Labels option from the
menu in the details of the
ASN/Receipt screen Note: By
default, this system setting is disabled.
. |
INTERNALTRANSFERADVSERIALENTRY | Allows you to use advanced serial number entry process for internal
transfers. Note: By default, this system setting is
REMOVEUSERTOMOVETASKFORCM | If this parameter is set to On, the system clears the value in the User ID field for Move Tasks associated with Cherry Pick Multi Tasks during cherry pick multiple replenishment process. Any user can perform Move Tasks on the RF Task Managerscreen. |
The following settings appear in the bottom portion of the System Settings page. You do not turn these flags on or off; rather, you specify a value to use for the setting.
Key | Description |
ASSIGNMENTRETAIN | Number of Minute to retain assignment records before clean This setting identifies the number of minutes a pick assignment remains assigned to an operator before it is re-assigned. This ensures pick commands get completed in a timely fashion. |
Enable to print Container Labels. This flag enables the and options, as follows:
COOLBIOCHECK | COOL/Bio-Terrorism Validation Setting This flag indicates the method of validating vendor and carrier information for COOL and/or Bio-Terrorism products during receiving.
DIRMOVECLR | This parameter determines the time interval for clearing the tasks and the
user ID if the current time exceeds. Note: By default, the
value is set to 60.
DEFAULTRECEIVELOCATION | Default Receiving Location The default location name to use as the receiving location within this facility. The default value is STAGE. This can be overridden on a user-by-user basis by changing the setting on the user preferences record. |
INVENTORYPURGEINTERVAL | Run Inventory Purge Process Identifies how often the purge program runs to remove zero inventory records. This is normally configured to run on a daily basis. |
KEEPTRANSMITLOGDAYS | KEEPTRANSMITLOGDAYS The system uses the Transmit Log to manage data transferred between WM9 and other applications. When the external system picks up the data, the status of the transmit log record is updated as complete. This system setting determines how long completed transmit records are retained. Typically, you should retain records for at least two to four days to ensure records are available for review for troubleshooting purposes. |
LABORRPTTIME | The day’s cut off time for Labor Reports. Any transaction after this time will be included in the next day’s report. |
MAXEVENTMSGSIZE | This setting identifies the maximum size of an event message that can be inserted into the transmitlog table. |
MAXPNDCALCDEPTH | Maximum Depth of Pick and Drop calculation. This setting identifies the maximum number of pallets that can exist in a pick-and-drop location at one time. You can use this setting to ensure that those locations are not being over-filled prior to completing putaway and replenishments. |
This parameter enables you to merge case IDs from different zones with the Sort and Merge Outbound Case IDs for Pack functionality. Note:
NUMOFLOCKEDDPTASKS | Maximum number of Dynamic Pick tasks which are reserved for a user. |
OPPORTUNISTICCROSSDOCK | Enable Opportunistic processing This flag enables the Cross Dock functionality, as follows:
PPDEFAULTCARTONLABEL | Enable to print pick and pass labels. |
PRINTADDRLBLORREPORT | Enables the automatic printing of container address label/report during
cluster picking
QUICKSHIPLOAD | Execute the ship process for Loads without performing some data checks for holds and transfer. |
Determines how the system should handle orders that are not completely picked and shipped when a load is updated to Closed Status. 0 = Order is not split 1 = Order is automatically split. This means a new Shipment Order is created for the unshipped portion of the order. 2 = A warning message is displayed and the user has the ability to decide if the order should be split or not. |
SCALEWEIGHTUOM | Determines the scale when using capture weight turn packing. |
SHIPTOPICKTOSORT | This parameter enables you to perform Pick to Sort Secondary cartonization.
UIPackAutoCreateToIDIfBlank | Enables the system to automatically generate a new To ID if the user leaves the To ID field blank and then tabs or clicks out of the field. The To ID is generated using the PACKTOID counter along with the prefix and length settings from the Facility record. A Drop ID record is created and saved for the To ID. |
UIPackAutoCreateToIDIfNotBlank | Enables the system to automatically create a new Drop ID record for the To ID if the user scans or specifies a value into the To ID field and then tabs or clicks out of the field. |
USEBATCHSTRATEGY | Use the Batch Allocation Strategy for Batched Or- ders instead of the
Strategy assigned to the Item. If you want to use the batch allocation strategy for batched orders instead of the strategy assigned to the item, specify BATCH in the Value field. BATCH is the default value. If you want to instead use the Items allocation strategy for batched orders, specify 0 in the Value field. |
USELOGICALFROMLOCASSIGNLABELS | Enables you to use the logical From location to sort container labels by
the Label Printing Sequence. Possible options:
Note: You must not enable this parameter when the
CONTAINERLABELSORT parameter is set to
On. Else, an error message is
ZEROINVENTORYDAYS | Number of Days to retain LOTXLOCXID records before deleting Once product has been moved into a location, the system retains an inventory record for that inventory/location, even if the inventory is moved to another location. This setting determines how long the system maintains these records prior to being purged as part of a background process. This background process deletes records from the lotxlocxid and skuxloc where the quantity balance and other critical quantities are equal to zero. Typically, you will maintain these records for approximately three days to assist in any troubleshooting activities. |