Outbound Activity screen configuration
To configure
outbound activities:
- Select Administration > Outbound Activity to open the Outbound Activity screen.
- To create a new record, click New to access the Outbound Activity detail view.
Specify this
- Facility
- This field is pre-populated with the facility in which you are working. The facility is a unique code identifying the warehouse location.
- Facility Name
- This field is pre-populated with the facility name associated with the facility.
- Owner
- Owner of the items
being shipped.
Note: The owner must be already be configured to use this function.
- Company
- This field is populated with the selection of the owner. The full name of the company associated with the owner.
- Ship To
- Ship To of the items
being shipped in the outbound activity.
Note: Ship To must be already configured to use this function.
- Name
- This field is populated
with the selection or specifying of the Ship
To. The full name of the company associated with the ship to.
Note: Name must be configured as the Company on the Ship To screen.
Specify this information in the detail list view portion of the
- Type
- Select the type of
outbound activity. Valid values are:
- Allocate Orders When Created
- Print Pack List
- Print Pick List
- Print Carrier Compliant Labels
- Print Carton Labels
- Print Bill of Lading
- Print Master Bill of Lading
- Print Custom Order Report
- Send Email
- Print Pick List by Zone
- Active
This flag that allows the system to include the selected outbound activity type to be included as part of the outbound order fulfillment process for the specified facility / owner / ship to. Options are: Yes and No
- Automatic
- Flag that determines whether the system automatically performs selected outbound activity type during the outbound order fulfillment process for the specified facility / owner / ship to. Options are: Yes and No.
- Edit Date:
- This field displays the date this activity was last edited.
- Edit By:
- This field displays the user ID of the user who last edited this activity.
- Order Status for Activity
- This field displays a list of Shipment Order Status Codes that can
be used to trigger the automatic print and/or email notification. Values
- Order Packed
- Order Staged
- Order Loaded
- Order Shipped
The field can only be used for selected activity types. Refer to the Outbound activities linked to status updates to see which types are available.
- Load Status for Activity
- This field displays a list of Load Status Codes that can be used
to trigger the automatic print and/or email notification. Values are:
- Load Loaded
- Load Closed
- Load Shipped
The field can only be used for selected activity Types. Refer to the Outbound activities linked to status updates to see which types are available.
- Number of Copies to Print
- Specify the number of copies to print.
- Email Recipient
- Select a value from the drop-down list for the recipient of the
email when the order or load reaches the specified status. The
available choices are:
- None unless specified on owner reports. An email will not be sent unless a specific version of the report has been configured and an email is specified in that screen.
- Only email addresses listed. Specify the email addresses on the Email Address field.
- Ship To email on shipment order. An email will be sent to the email address listed on the shipment order for the ship to customer
- Contact 1 Email on Ship To Master. Use the email defined for the contact 1 on the trading partner master for the ship to.
- Contact 2 Email on Ship To Master. Use the email defined for the contact 2 on the trading partner master for the ship to.
- Contact 1 Email on Carrier Master. This is only valid for Master Bill of Lading Report. Use the email defined for the contact 1 on the trading partner master for the carrier.
- Contact 2 Email on Carrier Master. This is only valid for Master Bill of Lading Report. Use the email defined for the contact 2 on the trading partner master for the carrier.
- Email Addresses
- List the specific email address to receive the notification if needed. Use a comma between addresses when sending to multiple people.
- Email Subject Line
- Specify the text to display on the subject line of the email message. You can include any field(s) from the shipment order header in the subject line using a % sign around the column name. For example; Your Order %externorderkey% has shipped via %carriercode%. For a list of the database columns refer to the Data Dictionary document or use the shipment order Excel import/export template.
- Email Message Body
- Specify the email message. The message body will not allow specific information to be included from the shipment order as noted above for the subject line.
- Click Save.