Outbound Activity screen configuration

To configure outbound activities:
  1. Select Administration > Outbound Activity to open the Outbound Activity screen.
  2. To create a new record, click New to access the Outbound Activity detail view.
  3. Specify this information:
    This field is pre-populated with the facility in which you are working. The facility is a unique code identifying the warehouse location.
    Facility Name
    This field is pre-populated with the facility name associated with the facility.
    Owner of the items being shipped.
    Note: The owner must be already be configured to use this function.
    This field is populated with the selection of the owner. The full name of the company associated with the owner.
    Ship To
    Ship To of the items being shipped in the outbound activity.
    Note: Ship To must be already configured to use this function.
    This field is populated with the selection or specifying of the Ship To. The full name of the company associated with the ship to.
    Note: Name must be configured as the Company on the Ship To screen.
  4. Specify this information in the detail list view portion of the screen:
    Select the type of outbound activity. Valid values are:
    • Allocate Orders When Created
    • Print Pack List
    • Print Pick List
    • Print Carrier Compliant Labels
    • Print Carton Labels
    • Print Bill of Lading
    • Print Master Bill of Lading
    • Print Custom Order Report
    • Send Email
    • Print Pick List by Zone

    This flag that allows the system to include the selected outbound activity type to be included as part of the outbound order fulfillment process for the specified facility / owner / ship to. Options are: Yes and No

    Flag that determines whether the system automatically performs selected outbound activity type during the outbound order fulfillment process for the specified facility / owner / ship to. Options are: Yes and No.
    Edit Date:
    This field displays the date this activity was last edited.
    Edit By:
    This field displays the user ID of the user who last edited this activity.
    Order Status for Activity
    This field displays a list of Shipment Order Status Codes that can be used to trigger the automatic print and/or email notification. Values are:
    • Order Packed
    • Order Staged
    • Order Loaded
    • Order Shipped

    The field can only be used for selected activity types. Refer to the Outbound activities linked to status updates to see which types are available.

    Load Status for Activity
    This field displays a list of Load Status Codes that can be used to trigger the automatic print and/or email notification. Values are:
    • Load Loaded
    • Load Closed
    • Load Shipped

    The field can only be used for selected activity Types. Refer to the Outbound activities linked to status updates to see which types are available.

    Number of Copies to Print
    Specify the number of copies to print.
    Email Recipient
    Select a value from the drop-down list for the recipient of the email when the order or load reaches the specified status. The available choices are:
    • None unless specified on owner reports. An email will not be sent unless a specific version of the report has been configured and an email is specified in that screen.
    • Only email addresses listed. Specify the email addresses on the Email Address field.
    • Ship To email on shipment order. An email will be sent to the email address listed on the shipment order for the ship to customer
    • Contact 1 Email on Ship To Master. Use the email defined for the contact 1 on the trading partner master for the ship to.
    • Contact 2 Email on Ship To Master. Use the email defined for the contact 2 on the trading partner master for the ship to.
    • Contact 1 Email on Carrier Master. This is only valid for Master Bill of Lading Report. Use the email defined for the contact 1 on the trading partner master for the carrier.
    • Contact 2 Email on Carrier Master. This is only valid for Master Bill of Lading Report. Use the email defined for the contact 2 on the trading partner master for the carrier.
    Email Addresses
    List the specific email address to receive the notification if needed. Use a comma between addresses when sending to multiple people.
    Email Subject Line
    Specify the text to display on the subject line of the email message. You can include any field(s) from the shipment order header in the subject line using a % sign around the column name. For example; Your Order %externorderkey% has shipped via %carriercode%. For a list of the database columns refer to the Data Dictionary document or use the shipment order Excel import/export template.
    Email Message Body
    Specify the email message. The message body will not allow specific information to be included from the shipment order as noted above for the subject line.
  5. Click Save.