Types of capture

These types of weight capture available within WMS:

  • Catch data in/catch out: The warehouse has the option to capture weight, serial, or other data as the item is received or picked. For some types of capture, the impact on inventory weights can also be specified for other inventory transactions, such as moves and adjustments.
  • Detail catch weight: One method for recording weights is to record detailed weight information at receiving or picking. The weight captured directly impacts the weights associated to inventory balances. This type of capture provides validation that the weight scanned is within an allowable tolerance level, providing some assurance the correct weights were recorded.
  • Detail catch weight with other data: In addition to capturing the weight during receiving or picking, other data can be recorded at the same time.
  • Summary catch weight: The warehouse has the option to capture weight information at the summary level through all transactions for an item. Controls determine if the user should be forced to record the weight during receiving, picking, or other transactions impacting inventory. This capture includes moves, adjustments, and replenishment.
  • Serial number tracking: The warehouse has the option to capture and track serial numbers as a part of inventory through their existence in the warehouse. As part of full serial number tracking, inventory transactions track each serial number while it is in the warehouse.
  • Serial number tracking with detail weights: The warehouse also has the option to capture the weight information to link to a serial number. The weight for each serial number is then used to calculate the impact on inventory weights as warehouse transactions occur.
  • Serial number tracking with summary weights: Another option for tracking weights through the warehouse is to track serial numbers and also capture weights at the summary level. Instead of having a weight associated to each serial number unit in inventory, the weight is captured and tracked at the license plate level. The license plate can contain multiple serial numbers, but the weight is not specifically linked with each serial number.
  • Average weight: The application verifies that the entire shipment falls within the tolerances configured for the average weight, including calculation for tare weight.
  • UOM capture level: The application can be configured to capture the weight, data, and serial number information at different unit of measures (UOMs), such as each, case, or pallet. Additionally, the total weight can be captured if desired by the warehouse.
  • Customer override: With this option, the warehouse can determine whether the Item configuration can work for all customers, or if each customer can override the global configuration.