Capturing multiple serial numbers on a single screen

To capture more than one data element during the receipt, a traditional capture screen that provides multiple entries is displayed.

  1. Follow the steps in the Receiving User Guide to record the receipt of inbound product.
  2. Following the receipt, the Serial Capture (SM20) screen is displayed if the only additional data to capture is a serial number.

    The information on this screen includes:

    Item Number
    The item number is listed at the top of the screen.
    Serials captured count
    This is the count of the number of serials recorded and the total serials to capture.
    Serials per scan
    Normally, this value is 1. If an item is configured to record multiple serials when one item is scanned, this value is greater than 1.
    Serial entry 1 through 10
    Use these fields to scan 1 to 10 serial numbers from this screen.
    F2 = Barcode Scan

    If the serials are in a 2D barcode format, press F2 to access the screen used for 2D scanning.

    F4 = Range Entry

    Use this function key to display the range entry screen. The range entry is valid only if you configure the item with increment rules.

  3. Scan up to ten serial numbers and press Enter.
  4. If additional serial records are required to satisfy the entire quantity received, the Serial Capture screen displays again.
  5. Repeat this process until the correct number of serials is captured for the current receipt. When complete, you return to the initial receiving screen.