Capturing serial numbers using a range

You can use range entry to capture serial numbers if the item is configured to allow the system to determine which part of the serial number to increment in the range entry.

The product that is handled always has sequential serial numbers and every time a bar code is scanned the system creates or uses the next defined number of serials in a sequence.

The user scans a range of serial numbers and all of the serial numbers for the product are sequential. By scanning the first and last number of a range, the system determines all of the serial numbers within that range.

Here are the settings used to enable range entry:

  • Increment Start Position: If the number of serial numbers represented by a bar code is greater than one, you must specify which portion of the serial number to increase to generate the other serial numbers. To determine the portion of the serial number to increase, you define the Increment Start Position for which to increase numbers and the Increment Length to indicate the length of the portion of the serial that increments.
  • Increment Length: Use the increment length for either of the parsing rules, fixed or delimited. When you use increment length with the Increment Start Position, the combination represents the number of characters that are included in the portion that is increasing.


If the serial number in the bar code data is AABB123CC and the bar code represents 10 serial numbers, AABB123CC, AABB124CC, AABB125CC, … AABB132CC, the system must add one to the number found in the fifth, sixth, and seventh characters of the serial number.

In this case, the Start Position is 5, and the Length is 3.

To capture serials during receipt using range entry:

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the Receiving User Guide to record the receipt of inbound product.
  2. After the receipt, the Serial Capture (SM20) screen is displayed if the only additional data to capture is a serial number.
  3. If the item is configured for range entry, press F4 to use a range. The Serial Capture SR20 screen is displayed.
  4. The screen displays the item number and the count of serial numbers that are captured and the total to receive. Enter the beginning and ending range of serials to receive.
    This is the first serial number in the sequence to receive.
    This is the last serial number in the sequence to receive.
  5. Press Enter to confirm the capture of the serial numbers included in this range. This action generates additional serial numbers for the receipt based on the item master setting for Serial Increment Start Position and Serial Increment Length.
  6. If the correct number of serials was not captured, screen SR20 is displayed again to capture additional serial numbers. This screen shows the last serial captured on the previous range entry. When complete, you return to the initial receiving screen.