Capturing summary weight at picking with an RF device

The summary weight capture RF screen is used at picking if the Outbound Summary RF Weight Capture flag is turned on for the item.

If the Zero Default Weights for RF Picking flag is off, the system displays the expected weight for a transaction using the weight information configured in fields Standard Gross Weight, Standard Net Weight, and Standard Tare Weight. These weights are multiplied by the quantity received to calculate the expected weight. If the UOM for Summary Weight Capture for the item is something other than the master unit (each), the expected weights are calculated using that unit of measure.

To capture summary weight at picking:

  1. Follow the steps in the Infor WMS Picking User Guide to use RF to record the pick of outbound product.
  2. When the pick is complete, press Enter. The WM01 screen is displayed with weight information.
  3. The weights that are listed on the screen are controlled by the item configuration. The item configuration for Catch Gross Weight, Catch Net Weight, and Catch Tare Weight controls which fields are displayed.
    This is the gross weight for the current transaction.
    This is the net weight for the current transaction.
    This is the tare weight for the current transaction.
  4. The summary weight capture screen will display 0 (zero) for the weight fields if the Zero Default Weights for RF Picking flag is on. You must input the weight information without the system doing any calculation. If this flag is off, the system displays the expected weight for this transaction using the weight information configured for the item.
  5. You can modify these expected weights. To accept the expected weights or your modified weights, press Enter .
  6. If the weight of each unit needs to be scanned to calculate the total weight, use the F5 key to access a different screen.
  7. When all weights expected are captured, the WM01 screen is displayed to confirm the total weight.

    Before completing the transaction, the system validates that the weights recorded are in balance. Gross Weight must equal Net Weight plus Tare Weight.

    • If only the Gross weight is available to the user, the system calculates the impact on the Net Weight using Gross - Tare.
    • If only the Net weight is available to the user, the system will calculate the impact on the Gross weight using Net + Tare.
    Note: The tare weight will remain a constant from the item configuration unless you specify another tare weight.