Using RF operator discrepancy notification

When an RF operator logs into his RF device, he receives notification if there are any outstanding transactions with an inventory discrepancy. If notified of this situation, the operator can either immediately resolve the issues, or bypass and continue with his regular work.

To use the RF operator discrepancy notification:

  1. Log into the RF device normally and select the facility.

    If there are open transactions with serial number discrepancies, the following message displays:

  2. Press Y (for Yes) to work through discrepancies. The first problem transaction displays.


    Press N (for No) to bypass correcting problems. The Main Menu displays.

  3. Use the 6 (Forward) or 4 (Back) key to scroll though the records.
    • If the Remaining Quantity = 0, you can use the F8 key to close the discrepancy. If a serial discrepancy is resolved outside of the normal system processes, it still may be flagged as an issue and needs to be marked as closed.
    • You cannot use this function if the Inventory Quantity and Serial Quantity do not match.
  4. Press Enter to select the record you want to update. The appropriate screen displays to allow for resolution of the issue.
  5. Follow the steps previously described for correcting serial number discrepancies from the RF.