Receiving weight, serial, or data products on the workstation
To add catch data and catch weight information on the ASN/Receipt screen:
- Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
- Click the Detail icon for an ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt Detail screen is displayed in List view.
Click the Detail icon for an
ASN/Receipt Detail record.
The type of weight tracking for the item determines how the weight is to be entered. If the item is configured for Detail Catch Weight, proceed to Step 5.
If the item is configured for Summary capture, the weight information is calculated by the system when you update the quantity received.
- If the weight is different than what the system would calculate, you can modify the weight prior to confirming the receipt.
- If the weight is the same as expected, leave the weight fields as 0 so that the system will use the correct calculation to confirm the weight.
Note: Any update to the weights being received need to be performed prior to confirming the quantity received on each line. After the receipt transaction has been completed, the weight is recorded in inventory. To change the weight will require an inventory adjustment. - If the item is configured for Detail Catch Weight, click the Catch Data / Catch Weight tab.
- Click New to add a new record.
- If a serial number is required, enter the number in the Serial Number Long field.
- Input the weight in the Received Weight field and enter other required data in fields Data Capture 2 – Data Capture 5.
- Click Save.
- If necessary, create additional serial numbers.