Viewing catch weight/data information

Information recorded as part of the catch weight/data functionality can be viewed at various places in the application, for example, on the Catch Weight/Data screen. This information can be recorded as part of receiving, picking, and packing.

To view this information on the Catch Weight/Data screen:

  1. Select Execution > Inventory > Catch Weight/Data. The Catch Weight/Data screen is displayed.
  2. To display a list of inbound or outbound weight or data captures, use the Search option.

    Several pieces of information are displayed to assist in identifying which inventory records need to be moved, including:

    Owner of the inventory.
    Item number.
    License Plate
    License plate for the inventory record (can be blank).
    System lot number.
    Options are:

    Open. For inbound, this means the record has not been received. If the serial number was sent as part of an ASN, this will be in Open status until the receipt has been recorded. For outbound, the associated pick has not been confirmed as shipped even though the serial was recorded as part of the pick or pack step.

    Complete. The inbound receipt has been completed or the outbound shipment has been completed.

    Type of capture performed. Possible values are Inbound Receipt or Outbound Shipment
    ASN or Shipment
    References which inbound or outbound the weight/data capture has been completed against.
  3. Click the Detail icon for a catch weight/data record. Additional information for the record is displayed, including a list of the specific information captured in the detail section of the screen.