Cost Codes

A cost code identifies a specific type of expense charged to the business. You can use the cost code information during the cost calculation processes to identify the type of the cost.
Yes. You need to create appropriate cost codes to clearly identify different costs associated with running the business.

Charge Group: The charge group assigned to the charge code is used to organize the charge information for reporting purposes.


Cost Code/Description
The name and description used to identify this cost code.
Cost Type

The type of cost associated with this cost code. The majority of your cost codes are the Cost type. You can, though, also identify costs as non-expense and Labor types. The cost type is used for filtering the drop-down controls in the user interface, the cost calculation process and reporting.

Cost Group

The cost group to which costs of this type belong. This association helps group costs by the general type of service they represent and is used for reporting.

Default Corporation/ Department/Account

The corporation, department, and account number associated with this cost code. By default, any expense for that code is attributed to that account and department.