Reviewing and approving facility charges

Users assigned with a role that allows access to the Facility Charges Approval screen can review and approve facility charges created for payment by the 4PL to the facility.

To review and approve facility charges:

  1. Select Billing > Facility Charges within the facility level. The Facility Charges Approval list view screen is displayed. Note that all of the fields within the list view are read-only.
  2. Select the check box next to the Facility Charge entry you want to approve.
  3. Click Open to approve the charge.
    • If the existing status of the selected charge is Hold (reflecting that the charge is in Pending status), the Status field value is changed to Open when you click Open.
    • If the existing status of the selected charge is Open (reflecting that the charge is already in Approved status), the Status field value is not changed when you click Open.
    • If you want to change the status of a charge from Open (in Approved status) to Hold (in Pending status), click Hold.
    Note: You can select a specific Facility Charge entry to view the Facility Charge details; but, you cannot make any changes within the detail view. You can only change the Facility Charge status in the list view.