Rating Engine

The rating engine consists of a set of rating rules for each customer. Typically, contracts are established with a customer and the rates on the contract need to be configured prior to bringing the customer’s inventory into the facility. The rates are maintained for a customer at an enterprise level and any differences between facilities are configured within the rate structure.

A rate structure has an effective and expiration date. The entire rate structure can be copied to a new date range and optionally marked up by a percentage.

The rating engine uses the following criteria:

Bill-to Customer
Allows different divisions or entities to be invoiced for the charges.
Unit of Measure (UOM)
Allows for different rates, minimums, and costs at various volume breaks (quantity, weight or cube). The break UOM does not need to match the charge per UOM.
Daily Arrears
Calculates a daily rate is calculated and applies it to recurring storage and an outbound charge.
A minimum charge level can be defined for an individual charge code. Minimums can also be configured from the Minimums screen; these minimum levels take effect at either charge creation or during invoicing, depending on the level specified.
Charge markups or discounts can be setup for seasonal or temporary rate changes, or to separate revenue for accounting. The following attributes are available:
  • Effective/expiration dates
  • Charge code to markup/discount
  • Selector for flat rate or percent
  • Amount to markup/discount (+/- flat rate or a +/- percentage)
  • New charge code to charge it to (or the same can be used if desired)

In the case of a discount, the total charge is clamped such that it does not go below zero. If a new charge code is used to split the markup to, a separate account/department distribution can be specified.