Rates and Charges Screens
When you set up your billing contracts, you associate rate groups with event groups. The event groups identify which transactions or time periods are used for billing, and rate groups associate these events with charge types and specific charge amounts. The charge codes used to describe the different charge types also identify how revenue from those services should be distributed to your different accounting package accounts.
Charge/Rate Configuration screens include:
- Corporation/Department/Account records identify each account used for revenue distribution.
- Charge Groups provide a method of grouping charges on reports and invoices.
- Charge Codes identify the different services you bill for.
- Charge Account Distribution records identify how revenue from a single charge code should be distributed.
- Rate groups identify the actual base amount to charge for the services represented by charge codes.
- Tax records identify the tax rates to charge for specific services.
- Invoice terms identify the terms of payment for your different customers.