Recalculating Charges

If you edit any charge values associated with the charge amount (quantity, rate, unit of measure, and so on), you need to manually trigger the system to recalculate the total charge amount.

  1. Select the charge you want to re-calculate from the Charges list screen.
  2. Click Recalculate. The system will recalculate the total charge amount using the current values. If any changes are made to the ASNs, shipment orders, or transfers in WM, the Billing Order History is not automatically updated. Clicking the Recalculate button on the Billing Order History screen updates the order and line items by re-retrieving them from WM. The existing charges are deleted, and the updated order information is used to recalculate the charges. This is the process to recalculate charges from ASNs, shipment orders, inventory adjustments, and transfers. If there are no changes to the original orders, the charges can be recalculated from the Charges screen.