Currency Codes

Currency records identify the different currencies used among your facilities/customers. For each currency, you can configure the exchange rates between other appropriate currencies.
The system comes pre-loaded with the ISO standard currency codes. However, if you work with multiple currencies, you need to update these records regularly with current exchange rate information.

Header Fields

The ISO currency code.
The full name of this currency.
Display Decimal
The number of decimal position to calculate or display.
Display Format
Not used.
Rounding Method
Identifies whether decimal values should be rounded up or down.
Rounding Multiplier
Allows you to round to a different precision. Default value is 1.

Detail Fields

In the Detail area, you can enter the exchange rates from one currency into another. This is used at invoicing time to convert the currency of the customer into the facility currency prior to sending the invoices to the accounting package. The exchange rates are specified using an indirect quotation method where 1 unit of the From currency is equivalent to the Exchange Rate number of units of the To currency. In other words, the From currency amount is multiplied by the Exchange Rate to arrive at the To currency amount.