Editing Charges

You can use the Charges screen to either adjust system-generated charges, or to create new, unique charges that are not associated with a standard billing configuration event or period.

  1. Select Charges from the Charge Management menu.
    The system automatically displays a list of charges; you can perform a query to filter this list. From this screen, you can edit charges, manually create new charges, place charges on hold and re-open them, and delete charges.
  2. From the Charges list, display the details of the charge you want to edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes. You can edit most of the values for the charge, except for those related to batch processing. You also cannot change the actual charge amount, as that is system-calculated. You can, however, change the quantity, rate, and other values used by the system to calculate the charge. You need to manually perform the Recalculate process to trigger the system recalculation.