Rate Groups

Rates identify the actual amount that is tied to each type of charge. For example, you determine how much you are going to charge per unit (based on the rate unit of measure) for the receiving, handling, and storage of product.

Yes. You must configure rate information in order for the system to calculate charge amounts for invoices.
  • Charge Codes: You assign rates to individual charge codes. If you are using any custom charge codes, make sure to create those records before you attempt to define rates.
  • Units of Measure: When you define your rates, you identify the unit of measure level at which the charge should be calculated. If you need to use custom units of measure, make sure you create those records before you attempt to define rates.
Additional Information

When you set up your contracts, you can associate a rate group with a specific billing event group; each event is associated with a charge code. Whenever an activity (or time period, for period-based charges) in the billing event group occurs, the system calculates charges using the corresponding charge codes in the rate group.

Rate groups consist of a single header record, which identifies the rate group code and the effective date ranges for the rates, and a set of detail records which identify the charge codes included in the rate group and the associated rate information.

A rate group could consist of a single record or multiple detail records, as follows:

  • Multiple charge types: Depending on how you configure your event groups and your rate groups, you may have multiple charge types on a single rate group. For example, you may create event groups that include all events appropriate for a single customer. In that case, your rate groups include all charge types for a single customer as well.
  • Quantity breaks: If you provide cost breaks for larger quantities of material, you can define different rates for the same charge code. For example, if you want to provide a rate break after you process the first 100,000 units of inventory, you can create multiple records for the same charge code, with different Break From and Break To values. This allows you to provide discounted rates for processing a higher volume of inventory. In this case, you can have multiple records for the same charge code.
  • Separate charges by break: Separate charges can be created for each rate break. For example, you can provide a rate break after the first 5000 units, another rate break after 10,000 units, and another rate break after 50,000 units. Each break can have a different rate. When charges are calculated, the first 5000 units are billed at the first rate, the next 5000 units are billed at the rate between 5001 and 10,000 units, the next 40,000 units are billed at the rate between 10,001 and 50,000, any remaining units are billed at the rate over 50,000 units. Separate charge code records are created, one for each rate break.
  • The approach you use to configure your rate groups depend on how much your customer contracts and rates differ from each other. For example, if services and rates are very similar between customers, you could create a single rate group for all the common charges and use it for each customer’s contract. Similarly, the billing event groups would include the common services that are shared. The contract configuration for each customer would have the same event group and rate group added to the detail.
  • If, however, your services vary from customer to customer, your rate groups may consist of just single events, with multiple rate groups to account for different rating structures. Your event groups would also consist of single event details event groups. Whichever configuration approach you use, make sure that you use the same methodology when you configure your event group records.

Rates identify the actual amount that is tied to each type of charge. For example, you determine how much you are going to charge per unit (based on the rate unit of measure) for the receiving, handling, and storage of product.

Yes. You must configure rate information in order for the system to calculate charge amounts for invoices.
  • Charge Codes: You assign rates to individual charge codes. If you are using any custom charge codes, make sure to create those records before you attempt to define rates.
  • Units of Measure: When you define your rates, you identify the unit of measure level at which the charge should be calculated. If you need to use custom units of measure, make sure you create those records before you attempt to define rates.
Additional Information

When you set up your contracts, you can associate a rate group with a specific billing event group; each event is associated with a charge code. Whenever an activity (or time period, for period-based charges) in the billing event group occurs, the system calculates charges using the corresponding charge codes in the rate group.

Rate groups consist of a single header record, which identifies the rate group code and the effective date ranges for the rates, and a set of detail records which identify the charge codes included in the rate group and the associated rate information.

A rate group could consist of a single record or multiple detail records, as follows:

  • Multiple charge types: Depending on how you configure your event groups and your rate groups, you may have multiple charge types on a single rate group. For example, you may create event groups that include all events appropriate for a single customer. In that case, your rate groups include all charge types for a single customer as well.
  • Quantity breaks: If you provide cost breaks for larger quantities of material, you can define different rates for the same charge code. For example, if you want to provide a rate break after you process the first 100,000 units of inventory, you can create multiple records for the same charge code, with different Break From and Break To values. This allows you to provide discounted rates for processing a higher volume of inventory. In this case, you can have multiple records for the same charge code.
  • Separate charges by break: Separate charges are created for each rate break. For example, you can provide a rate break after the first 5000 units, another rate break after 10,000 units, and another rate break after 50,000 units. Each break has a different rate. When charges are calculated, the first 5000 units are billed at the first rate, the next 5000 units are billed at the rate between 5001 and 10,000 units, the next 40,000 units are billed at the rate between 10,001 and 50,000, any remaining units are billed at the rate over 50,000 units. Separate charge code records are created, one for each rate break.
  • The approach you use to configure your rate groups depend on how much your customer contracts and rates differ from each other. For example, if services and rates are very similar between customers, you could create a single rate group for all the common charges and use it for each customer’s contract. Similarly, the billing event groups would include the common services that are shared. The contract configuration for each customer would have the same event group and rate group added to the detail.
  • If, however, your services vary from customer to customer, your rate groups may consist of just single events, with multiple rate groups to account for different rating structures. Your event groups would also consist of single event details event groups. Whichever configuration approach you use, make sure that you use the same methodology when you configure your event group records.

Header Fields

Rate Group/ Description
The name and description that identify this rate group.
Effective Date
The date on which these rates are effective.
Expiration Date
The date when these rates are no longer effective.
The facility to which these rates apply. Leave blank if the rates are not specific to one facility.

Detail Fields

Charge Code
The charge code you want to assign the rate to. Because charge codes are specified on both event and rate records, the charge code identifies the rate to charge for a specific system event. Additionally, the charge code description appears on customer invoices.
Rate UOM
The unit of measure that should be used to calculate the charge. The system uses the rate unit of measure on the rate group along with the quantity on the associated transaction or inventory record to calculate the total charge amount. If the inventory is processed in a different unit of measure, the system reviews unit of measure conversion records to determine how to convert between the different units of measure.
Break From/Break To/Break UOM
Any quantity break information. If you provide volume discounts on certain charges, you can create a separate detail record for each quantity break. The Break From and Break To quantities are expressed in the units of the Break unit of measure. This can be different units than the rate unit of measure.
Charge Rate
The amount to charge for a single unit at the rate unit of measure. The rate is expressed in the facilities currency base if the rate currency is not specified and converted during the invoicing time to the customer currency base using the exchange rates configured in the Currency screen.
Rate Currency
The currency associated with the charge rate. This value is not required. The value is required only if the Rate Currency is different from the facility currency base.
The minimum charge amount. Minimum charge amounts ensure you always receive the minimum amount required to cover your costs; if the total calculated charge amount is less than the minimum specified here, the system invoices the minimum charge amount.
If you want to track costs vs. revenues for reporting purposes, enter the actual cost for this service.
Separate Charges by Break
Select Yes to apply the specified charge rate to the break quantity.