Infor WMS Third Party Logistics Billing overview

The purpose of Infor WMS Third-Party Logistics Billing is to create revenue and costing charges from the activities or inventory levels within Infor WMS Warehouse Management. You can create charges based on configurable rating rules, group charges together into invoices tailored to each individual customer, post invoices to an accounting package, and report on historical revenue and costing charges stored in a data warehouse.

Features include:

  • Supported Warehouse Management Systems

    Infor WMS Warehouse Management and Infor WM Provia.

  • Transactional Billing

    Charges can be created from completed ASN/Receipt orders, Shipment orders, Ownership or Facility transfers, Inventory Adjustments, transship ASNs, and Flow Through Shipment orders.

  • Recurring Storage Billing

    Charges can be created from the inventory levels (quantity, weight, or cube) in the warehouse.

  • Accessorial Billing

    Charges can be manually created for activities that are not captured by Infor WMS Warehouse Management and for optional charges.

  • Flexible Rating Engine

    The rating engine supports different rates by a variety of attributes including carrier, vendor, ship-to customer, transportation mode, and item groups. Minimums and markups can be used to support charge floors and seasonal changes.

  • Invoicing

    Summary and detail invoices can be printed or emailed to each customer. The invoice formats can be customized with the Birst or BIRT reporting tool.

  • Accounting Package Interface

    The invoices can be exported to an xml file which can then be imported into an accounting package. An intermediate mapping program may be needed to transform the xml into a format the accounting package will understand.

  • Data Warehouse

    The invoices and charges are stored in a data warehouse for historical reporting purposes.