
Activity records identify the different types of actions that take place within the integrated WM.

You will not normally need to modify the activity records. All standard activities are already provided with the system.

The Event Monitor will look for completed Activities and rebuild an order based on the transactions.

Header Fields

The name that identifies this activity.
The field used to describe the current activity.
The type of activity. This value identifies which database table the system will review to determine when events of this type occur.
Invoice Type
This value identifies of invoice used for this activity. Options include:
  • Inbound
  • Recurring
  • Miscellaneous Billing
  • Labor
  • Freight
  • Truck Load
The facility where the activity took place.
System Activity
Transactions are grouped into system activities and are pre-loaded whenever a new facility is added to the system. This read-only value identifies those transactional groups.

Detail Fields

In the detail area, the system lists each transaction the system uses to rebuild the order.