URL parameters

You can add parameters to the end of the URL to customize the Web RF operation. These parameters are case-sensitive and should be separated by ampersands.

For example: ?tenant=< tenant >&LANG=en&SCALEX=2.5.

Parameter Name




ID of the tenant to login as. Required.

INFOR is default for on premise install. For cloud installs there is no default.


Users Language for login screen

Defaults to Default_locale in the mobile-web-client.json file.


Device ID defined in the Screen Layout meta data.

16x20 or 8x40. Used only to identify the device group and screens that are applicable to this device. Row and column definition is not used in WebRF. The screen is scaled automatically to fit the dimensions of the browser


List of debug types to display in the console logs

Debug property in the mobile-web-client.json file. Possible values = ERROR, DEBUG, <DEBUG CATEGORY>


Adjusts the screen height of the device. WebRF calculates the number of rows of data to display based on this parameter. One row is 22 pixels in height.

Defaults to 320 pixels. This allows for 11 rows of fields, including space for the header and the footer.
WDT Adjusts the screen width of the device. This parameter is used to calculate the number of columns to be displayed. Defaults to 240 (portrait) or 480 pixels (landscape). The default value is based on the measured pixel width of the device.
COL Determines the number of columns to display. This is calculated based on device width. Valid values are only 1 and 2. Defaults to 1 or 2. The default value is based on the measure pixel height or width of the device.


App will display extra buttons and keys for non-RF devices. RF=1 for devices with a keyboard.

Defaults to tablet mode: 0 (false)


Scales the display manually (decimal value)

1 = Scaling turned off

Defaults to internal automatic scaling.


Scales the display manually (decimal value)

Defaults to SCALEX value