Socket Server Errors
Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
The keystore file that establishes the trusted connection between Apache and the Socket Server could have been created incorrectly. This was an issue found prior to 10.4.2. To correct this:
Stop the socketserver.
Remove the
file from the following location (installpath
may vary)
Run the following command from the Command Window (This will create a
webrf.jks file).
keytool -genkeypair -dname
-keyalg RSA -alias webrf -storepass infor1234 -validity 1825 -keysize 1024
-keypass infor1234
Where the infor1234 password is arbitrarily chosen and only needs to
match what is in the jWebSocket.xml file:
<!-- jWebSocket engine configuration --> (only this section needs the proper keystore location and password)