The DISPLAYMESSAGE instruction displays popup messages and supports these features:

  • Message: To display in a VECTOR > FIELD
  • Expression: To determine if the popup should be displayed
  • Type: Selects an alert or error header and icon in the popup
  • Buttons: OK button only or both OK and Cancel buttons
  • OK screen: Screen to go to when OK is pressed
  • Cancel screen: Screen to go to when Cancel is pressed
  • Child instructions: SETDISPLAY, SETRETDISPLAY – for data transfer
  • Wrapping Error Messages

Normal text fields in RF are truncated at the end of the screen. To display a long message that wraps to the next line, several methods are available:

The DISPLAYMESSAGE instructions are displayed as a popup which provides screen space to display a full screen message. With this instruction, a full expression can display a wrapped message when rectype = n.

Return a RECEIVE->rectype = 9 and a message in the RECEIVE->miscmsg field. These errors are automatically displayed in a popup but does not give you the flexibility to navigate to other screens like DISPLAYMESSAGE.

With field groups, a RECEIVE->rectype = 999 and a RECEIVE->miscmsg shows the error message and maps the vector values back to your screen.

If a text field starts with 08:, Meta RF treats this message as an error message and wrap the text to multiple lines if needed. This feature is only available in MetaRF.