Example: Displaying images on an RF screen

Images retrieved from IDM are displayed on the RF screen. The preloaded IMG02A screen retrieves images from IDM and return to the image/RECEIVE field. For example:

  1. Duplicate the IMG02A screen and modify the name to RC10A in the Mobile Screens page. You can perform these actions to:
    • Verify if the doctype is set to appropriate Document Type in IDM.
    • Verify if the SEND fields are appropriate with the IDM parameters such as, storer_name contains the name of the first IDM attribute and storer contains the data for the first attribute.
    • Verify if the storer, sku, and uom fields are in uppercase before transferring data from the RC00 screen to the fields when using the SCE Product Image document type from IDM.
  2. Duplicate the RC00 screen and rename the screen with a customized version name in the Mobile Screens page. You can perform these actions to:
    • Add a new image field to the RC00 screen as a SEND field.
    • Add an SENDIF instruction to call the RC10A screen (passing RC00.SEND => RC10A.SEND and returning RC10A.RECEIVE => RC00.SEND)
    • Move the instruction before the RC10 instruction. This must return the image into the RC00.SEND.image field.
  3. Duplicate the RC10 screen and rename the screen with a customized version name in the Mobile Screens page. You can perform these actions to:
    • Add a DISPLAY.image widget to the screen (visible = 1, editable = 0, number of lines set to be the desired height on the screen).
    • Verify that the RC00 screen must be configured to duplicate the SEND vector to the DISPLAY vector, which must copy the image to RC10.DISPLAY.image when navigating to RC10.