RF LTL Rate Screen

To get the rate for LTL shipments from Infor SPS and to print address label and packing slips:
  1. Select RF Outbound Menu > More > LTL Rate. The LTL Rating screen displays.
  2. Specify this information:
    Load Number
    If a Load was created for this Order, specify the Load Number.
    External Load
    If a Load was created and this Order has an External Load ID, specify this ID.
    Order Number
    Shipment Order Number which you want to rate.
  3. Press Enter to access the LTL Rating2 screen.
  4. Specify this information:
    This is a non-editable field and displays the total number of Drop ID's associated with Load/Order specified on the previous screen.
    Specify Y to rate this order using Infor SPS.
    Address Label
    Specify Y, to print the generic container address label.
    Specify the label printer to use to print the address label.
    Specify the number of copies of label to print. Default: 1.
    Packing List
    Specify Y to print packing slips of all the Orders belonging to the load/external load you entered on the previous screen, or to print the packing slip of the order you entered on the previous screen.
    Specify the number of copies of packing slip to print. Default: 1.
    Content Rpt
    Specify Y to print the DropID/Case ID content report for all the Drop ID’s belonging to this Load/Order.
    Specify the number of copies of the Content Report slip to print. Default: 1.
  5. Press F10 to send a Rate request to Infor SPS or press F9 to void the previous rate request for the same LTL shipment.