Generating proactive replenishment

Use this screen to generate proactive replenishment tasks.

To initiate proactive replenishment:

  1. Select Execution > Replenishment > Proactive Replenishment. The Proactive Replenishment screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Owner – Start/End
    The name of the owner for whom the proactive replenishment task can be created. This is a required field.
    Location Handling Category – Start/End
    The name or value of the location. This is a required field.
    Item – Start/End
    The name or value of the item. This is a required field.
    Proactive Replenishment Code – Start/End
    A unique code for proactive replenishment. This is a required field.
    Priority – Start/End
    The order to generate proactive replenishments. This is a required field.
    Number of replenishment tasks to be retrieved
    The number of replenishment assignments to be retrieved.
    Note: If this value is 0, all replenishment tasks are considered.
    Replenish based on open orders
    If this check box is selected, the replenishment tasks are created based on open orders.
    Replenish based on Forecast
    If this check box is selected, the replenishment tasks are created based on the forecast.
  3. Click Generate to create the proactive replenishment tasks.
    Note: You can view whether the proactive replenishment tasks are successful using the Proactive Replenishment Log screen. You can open the task detail screen to view the Move tasks.