Location selection

The logic that determines the To Location for a task created (based on receipts of returned product) uses information configured in the Receipt Type Includes or the Receipt Type Excludes parameters on the putaway strategy detail (Item Detail Form View) to select the location.

This table shows an example of how the Receipt Type Includes parameter can be used to direct Returns putaway.

Step No. Putaway Type From Loc To Loc Putaway Zone Receipt Type Includes
00001 If Source = FromLocation , putaway into the ToLocation QCRETLOC QARETLOC Return
00002 If Source = FromLocation , putaway into the ToLocation in the Putawayzone QCRETLOC ZoneA


  • Step 1 directs the product to location QARETLOC if the current location of the license plate is STAGE, and the receipt is flagged as a Return.
  • Step 2 does not have the Receipt Type Includes flag specified and therefore, does not execute the logic to place the product into the QARETLOC location.
  • The same logic used for the putaway functionality concerning Receipt Type is used to process Disposition Type. The exception is that Receipt Type logic uses the Receipt table, while Disposition Type logic uses the ReceiptDetail table to match inventory records based on the ToID on ReceiptDetail.